All press releases
Dr Jun Ye receives the 2021 Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics
Heidelberg | London, 20 May 2021
The 2021 Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics is awarded to Dr Jun Ye for pioneering research in fundamental quantum interactions of elemental matter and light, exploiting precision optical spectroscopy and laser-lattice atomic traps. The award comes with a prize of US$5,000.
The Cinema in Flux
Heidelberg | Los Angeles, 07 Mai 2021
New Springer book traces the history of motion picture technology from the magic lantern (slide projector) to the digital era
Breathtaking Landscape - Breathtaking Science
Heidelberg | New York, 06 May 2021
The Geotraveller by Roger N. Scoon highlights the geology of popular geosites, landforms, and areas of historical interest many of which occur in world-famous national parks
Springer sponsors two award lectures in analytical chemistry
Heidelberg | London, 04 May 2021
Robert Kellner Lecture and DAC-EuChemS Award lecture will be supported by Springer, a part of Springer Nature, at the upcoming webinar of the Division of Analytical Chemistry (DAC) of EuChemS (the European Chemical Society)
Ready to colonize Mars?
Heidelberg | New York, 28 April 2021
Serves as a practical guide to spaceflight | Full of anecdotes and tips for those planning their own space adventure
Tenacity in Children: Nurturing the Seven Instincts for Lifetime Success
Heidelberg | New York, 12 April 2021
New book offers insights into understanding the processes by which parents help children thrive, strive, and survive as it examines how seven genetic traits intertwine and can be leveraged.
Concert Halls by Nagata Acoustics
Heidelberg | Los Angeles, 09 April 2021
Thirty Years of Acoustical Design for Music Venues and Vineyard-Style Auditoria
Manhattan Project: The Story of the Century
Heidelberg | New York, 07 April 2021
The US research and development program of nuclear weapons changed the course of history
Leadership in Statistics and Data Science: Planning for Inclusive Excellence
Heidelberg | New York, 25 March 2021
Springer edited collection explores how humanistic and inclusive attitudes towards leadership can strengthen the statistics and data science communities.
The Gastro-Archeologist
Heidelberg | London, 11 March 2021
Revealing the Mysteries of the Intestine and its Diseases.
Why gun violence is a public health crisis in the United States
Heidelberg | London, 17 Dezember 2020
More Americans have died of civilian firearm injuries since 1960 than all death from all wars that the U.S. has fought since its founding.
Newly discovered and unpublished collection presents original philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein
Heidelberg | London, 14 Dezember 2020
Ludwig Wittgenstein: Dictating Philosophy To Francis Skinner – The Wittgenstein-Skinner Manuscripts
Hardwired: How Our Instincts to Be Healthy are Making Us Sick
Heidelberg | London, 10 Dezember 2020
A book that combines the very best of the social sciences and medicine | Well timed with emerging clinical evidence supporting the idea of the mind-body connection.
Scientific Journeys: A Physicist Explores the Culture, History and Personalities of Science
Heidelberg | New York, 12 November 2020
Join the author – Fred Dylla – for a live, interactive online conversation about his new book on 16th November 2020, 5 pm – 6 pm EST.
Mare Plasticum – The Plastic Sea
Heidelberg | New York, 09 November 2020
The menace plastic poses to marine environments and organisms is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Presented at the Genoa Science Festival 2020, this newly published book covers plenty of fascinating science, such as insights into the impacts of plastics and microplastics. It connects Science with Arts, because the authors consider this to be an effective way to raise and increase awareness and to back education on sustainable issues.
The Climate Crisis, Democracy and Governance
Heidelberg | New York, 15 October 2020
New Springer book by an informed EU insider presents a toolbox to ensure that climate policies are receiving the needed social support of civil society, an absolute precondition for these policies to be truly effective. A realistic ten-point manifesto calls on European governments to act in the run-up to COP26 and explains how we can have hope for the future.
Springer Nature launches its first textbook as part of the newly established MOOC&BOOK
Heidelberg | Milan | London, 03 September 2020
Textbook on Archaeoastronomy is linked to the online course The Science of Stars and Stones at Politecnico di Milano
Arnold Berliner Award 2020 goes to Frank Glaw
Heidelberg | London, 17 August 2020
German herpetologist is honored for his work on the phenomenon of overseas dispersal by amphibians
The First Cell named LUCA
Heidelberg | New York, 12 August 2020
New Springer book tackles questions around the mystery of the origin of life.
Cannabis in Medicine: State of the Evidence
Heidelberg | New York, 06 August 2020
New Springer book deals with the use of cannabis in medicine and provides an evidence-based approach as well as different perspectives on this controversial issue.
New Springer Book Reflects on Living with Computers
Heidelberg | New York, 15 July 2020
James W. Cortada exposes lessons learned from the past and addresses future issues in the ever-changing human-computer interaction.
Havana Syndrome
Heidelberg | London, 09 July 2020
New Springer book identifies mass psychogenic illness as the likely cause of Havana Syndrome, a mysterious condition affecting American and Canadian diplomats stationed in Cuba between 2016 and 2019.
New Springer Open Access Volume: Data Journeys in the Sciences
Heidelberg | London, 01 July 2020
Join the authors for a virtual book launch on July 3rd 2020 | The event is part of Data Science Week 2020 at the University of Exeter.
Seventh Nano Research Award goes to Dongyuan Zhao and John A. Rogers
Heidelberg | Beijing, June 10 2020
Tsinghua University Press and Springer Nature honor two of the world’s leading experts in nanoscience and nanotechnology
The Art of Theoretical Biology
Heidelberg | New York, 09 June 2020
New Springer book visualizes the beauty and complexity of theoretical biology and showcases science as art
Tuna Wars: Powers Around the Fish We Love to Conserve
Heidelberg | New York, 30 April 2020
What is the story behind a simple tuna can? New book explores the history of tuna fishing, from the ancient times till the modern sustainable food-industry
Chris Vanderwal to receive Springer Heterocyclic Chemistry Award 2020
Heidelberg | New York, 16 April 2020
Prize for outstanding research in heterocyclic chemistry goes to young professor from the University of California, Irvine
Established business journals merge to form Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research (SBUR)
Heidelberg | London | New York, 26 March 2020
Springer Nature will be the publisher of a fully open access (OA) journal created by merging journals from the two largest business research associations in the German-speaking world
Census 2020: Understanding the Issues
Heidelberg | New York, 25 March 2020
Springer book covers the U.S. Census from its Constitutional founding through the upcoming 2020 count, discusses the unique significance of this statistical undertaking, and explores controversies and questions surrounding demographic data collection in the 21st Century.
Lone Wolves in sheep's clothing – terrorism as a symptom
Heidelberg | New York, 6 March 2020
New Springer book, Lone Wolves: The New Terrorism of Right-Wing Single Actors, examines a new breed of terrorism that feeds on the hunger for sensationalism and the trend of depoliticisation in Western societies exposing unfamiliar risks and threats
How machine intelligence can make you happy
Heidelberg, 3 March 2020
Springer book drives the debate on the future of humans and machines | Life Engineering as a discipline of happiness management
Green Heroes: From Buddha to Leonardo DiCaprio
Heidelberg | New York, 03 March 2020
New book provides an overview of the environmental movement from the Middle Ages to the 21st century through the profiles of over 50 individuals who have inspired millions to take action in support of green movements.
Leon O. Chua receives the 2020 Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics
Heidelberg | New York, 25 February 2020
American electrical engineer and computer scientist honored for his breakthrough research on memristors and memristive systems, and his lifetime achievements in nanoelectronics, nonlinear networks, nonlinear dynamics, chaos and computational biology
The Bible of automotive electronics will now be published by Springer Fachmedien
Wiesbaden | Heidelberg, 14 February 2020
Hansen Report to become part of the Springer specialist publications ATZelektronik and ATZelectronics worldwide
Springer Nature’s research sharing initiative SharedIt expanded to include conference proceedings
Heidelberg | London, 04 February 2020
Springer Nature continues its commitment to opening up research and enabling the advancement of discovery with the rollout of the SharedIt initiative to proceedings books.
Springer Nature makes key textbooks freely accessible for educators, students and academics affected by coronavirus lockdown
Heidelberg | London, 02 April 2020
A range of essential textbooks from all disciplines will be freely available to support higher education institutions worldwide
Traditional Christmas market at Springer Nature in Heidelberg supports three local charities
Heidelberg, 20 January 2020
Christmas market at Springer Nature Heidelberg generated 27.600 EUR for local charity projects
Physics through fiction – string theory and divine intervention
Heidelberg | New York, 16 December 2019
New Springer book, Saint Joan of New York, is a riveting novel of science and religion, whose heroine is determined to solve the equations of string theory
Why collapse is not always a bad thing
Heidelberg | New York, 12 December 2019
New book provides an analysis of the process of failure and collapse, and outlines principles that help us manage these challenges in our lives
What can we learn from bonobos and chimpanzees?
Heidelberg | New York, 9 December 2019
A personal account of bonobo and chimpanzee behaviour by a renowned Japanese primatologist explains what and why we should learn from our closest relatives
Beachcombing for a safe barefoot environment
Heidelberg | London, 5 December 2019
New Springer book, The Beachcomber’s Guide to Marine Debris, documents and takes a quizzical look at the vast array of man-made rubbish in our seas and on our shores, with hints and tips on how to combat it.
Inside ITER – the giant fusion reactor
Heidelberg | London, 4 December 2019
A new book provides a behind-the-scenes view into ITER – the world’s biggest fusion reactor, and discusses the challenges and opportunities of this potentially limitless green energy source
Is Western culture balancing on a tightrope between science and humanities?
Heidelberg | London, 17 September 2019
New book Science on the Ropes asks why science has been dethroned from its prestigious position in Western culture and replaced by pseudoscientific conjecture and fake news
Arnold Berliner Award 2019 goes to Martin Nyffeler
Heidelberg | London, 14 August 2019
This year’s recipient of the Arnold Berliner Award is Martin Nyffeler of the University of Basel in Switzerland, who will be honored for his article published in Springer’s multidisciplinary journal, The Science of Nature.
inScience Communications collaborates with Big Brand Ideas to drive effective and measurable engagement
London, 31 July 2019
New collaboration provides life sciences clients with powerful engagement capabilities by combining high scientific intelligence and data driven performance
How big data algorithms shape opinions
Heidelberg | New York, 17 July 2019
New book explores how content recommendation systems confirm our biases by showing us only what they predict we want to see
50 years after Apollo: when will we go back to the Moon?
Heidelberg | New York, 9 July 2019
New book explores why there have been no human missions to the Moon since 1972
Sixth Nano Research Award presented to Xinhe Bao and Omar M. Yaghi
Heidelberg | Beijing, June 27 2019
Tsinghua University Press and Springer Nature honor two scientists for their outstanding contribution to nanoscience research
Springer Nature launches new video portfolio
New York | Heidelberg, 20 June 2019
Springer Nature Video offers insights, research and training material from experts/ Medicine and Professional and Applied Computing will be the first video subject collections
The future of scholarly books is open (access)
London | Berlin, 19 June 2019
A global Springer Nature survey of more than 2,500 academic book authors provides in-depth insights into perceptions of open access (OA) | Conclusions and recommendations to further increase take-up of OA books
Serving the future: the new science of food
Heidelberg, 21 May 2019
New Springer book explains the influences of modern science on the way we eat | How nanotechnology and personalized nutrition aim at improving our health and well-being
Springer Nature publishes its first machine-generated book
London | Heidelberg, 02 April 2019
Innovative book prototype provides a compelling machine-generated overview about the latest research on lithium-ion batteries, automatically compiled by an algorithm developed in collaboration with the Applied Computational Linguistics lab of Goethe University Frankfurt/Main (Germany)
How artificial intelligence is gaining a foothold in medical fields
Heidelberg, 26 February 2019
New book explores the ongoing evolution in the application of artificial intelligence within healthcare and radiology.
Jerome Faist of ETH Zürich is awarded the 2019 Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics
Heidelberg | London, 12 February 2019
Swiss physicist honored for his work on quantum cascade lasers
Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals
Heidelberg, 05 February 2019
New open access book presents two years of research on how to best tackle climate change and its negative effects, funded by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation as part of its new One Earth initiative.
Springer Nature advances its library services by offering KBART Automated Holdings Feeds for discovery services
New York | London | Heidelberg, 31 January 2019
Librarians to benefit from streamlined process to automatically upload their licensed SpringerLink content to OCLC, Ex Libris’ SFX and Alma
Homeopathy Reconsidered: What Really Helps Patients
Heidelberg, 30 January 2019
Critical questions, old and new, about homeopathy, and what mainstream medicine can learn from it. | Springer book explains what ‘really’ helps patients.
American College of Chest Physicians® and Springer Healthcare announce strategic partnership
Glenview, IL | London, 23 January 2019
Healthcare professionals worldwide to benefit from expanded chest medicine educational content
The story of a successful surgical revolution
Heidelberg, 16 January 2019
New book explores the innovative social entrepreneurship model in the treatment of bone Trauma
Springer Nature employees in Heidelberg support local projects at St Nicholas Christmas Market
Heidelberg, 9 January 2019
Over 26,000 euros were raised for three local projects from the Rhine-Neckar region at the company annual Christmas market
Springer Nature supports two charity projects for children with disabilities in Italy
Heidelberg | Milan, 3 December 2018
In 2018 the Julius Springer Charitable Fund donated 25,000 euro to two charitable organizations in Milan
Springer and Labster partner to bring students in Germany cutting-edge science education materials
Copenhagen | Heidelberg, 26 November 2018
This collaboration will help to shape the future of science education by changing the way students learn science.
First articles in new SN Applied Sciences journal now online
Heidelberg | Dordrecht, 22 November 2018
Springer Nature’s new broad-based interdisciplinary journal publishes its first articles
Connecting Education and a Dehumanized Work Force
Heidelberg | New York, 20 November 2018
New book The Robot Factory asks why a physics professor might fail third grade math and what can be done about it
SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine publishes first articles
New York | Heidelberg, 7 November 2018
Content in new highly inclusive, broad appeal journal is now available
Springer Nature to publish the Journal of Proteins and Proteomics
Heidelberg | Hyderabad, 6 November 2018
The official journal of the Proteomic Society of India will be published under the Springer imprint from January 2019
Springer launches interdisciplinary portal on urban studies
Heidelberg | Dordrecht, 31 October 2018
New content portal inspires sustainable and innovative initiatives for urban areas
There’s no fire without smoke
Heidelberg | New York, 15 October 2018
Particles in the Air explores the fire of controversy fuelled by air pollution
The rise of science from prehistory to the far future
Heidelberg | New York, 2 October 2018
New book explores how science and technology have transformed our lives over just a tiny fraction of human history
Springer Nature announces new eBook collection: Intelligent Technologies and Robotics
Heidelberg | London, 12 September 2018
New and emerging research areas such as ambient intelligence, big data and human-machine collaboration will be a major focus of the new collection
Russian scientists gain access to Springer Nature content through national license agreement
Heidelberg | Moscow, 5 September 2018
A new landmark agreement ensures scientists at all academic and governmental scientific organizations in Russia have access to Springer Nature publications
Springer adds new journal Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration to engineering portfolio
Heidelberg | New York, 17 July 2018
From 2019 the official journal of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration will be published by Springer Nature
Springer Nature and Tsinghua University Press present the fifth Nano Research Award
Heidelberg | Beijing, 5 July 2018
Chad Mirkin and Lei Jiang are honored for their contributions to the field of nanoscience and technology
Springer announces the launch of International Journal on Child Maltreatment
Heidelberg | New York, 26 June 2018
A new journal focusing on research into child abuse and neglect will be published in collaboration with The Kempe Center, The Kempe Foundation and The Haruv Institute
Polar sciences in the spotlight: Springer launched new platform to promote interdisciplinary research
London | Dordrecht, 21 June 2018
Polar Platform addresses growing interest in polar sciences in the light of climate change
Springer launches new textbook series in mathematics
Heidelberg | London, 29 May 2018
Collaboration between Springer and two prestigious Russian institutes will allow an international audience to benefit from outstanding educational mathematics material
Bats – Living in a Dark World of Echoes
Heidelberg | New York, 28 May 2018
New popular science book illustrated with more than 100 photos provides insights into how bats lead their lives, and shows how these intriguing animals use sounds and smells to find their way around in the dark
Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics 2018 awarded to Guus Rijnders
Heidelberg | London, 24 April 2018
Dutch physicist is honored for his contributions to the field of interface engineering
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education now published by Springer Nature
Heidelberg | Toronto, 12 April 2018
Springer Nature and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) collaborate on the publication of top STEM education journal
Springer launches Journal for STEM Education Research
Heidelberg | New York, 10 April 2018
Newly founded Journal for STEM Education Research to be published by Springer Nature as of August 2018
Springer and the Hellenic Endocrine Society partner to publish the journal Hormones
Heidelberg | Athens, 9 April 2018
Journal covering all fields of endocrinology is now part of Springer’s clinical medicine journals portfolio
Arnold Berliner Award 2018 goes to Jan Werner
Heidelberg | London, 14 March 2018
German postdoctoral researcher is honored for his work on the origins of endothermy
Successful startups – A matter of the right location?
New York | Heidelberg, 13 March 2018
New book Startup Cities explains the success and failure of cities in nurturing startups, and provides advice on how to boost regional startup activity
European Geriatric Medicine journal now published by Springer
Heidelberg | New York, 12 February 2018
Springer is the new publisher of the official journal of the European Geriatric Medicine Society
Medicine, magic and morality
Heidelberg, 20 February 2018
Governments must legislate to regulate and restrict the sale of complementary and alternative therapies, conclude authors of new book More Harm Than Good.
'Interceram' and 'Keramische Zeitschrift' to supplement the Springer Professional portal
Wiesbaden, 12 February 2018
From March 2018 these two long-established ceramics journals will be published by Springer Fachmedien | German-language ‘Keramische Zeitschrift’ and English-language ‘Interceram’ will supplement the Mechanical Engineering + Materials channel on the portal Springer Professional
Nuno Maulide to receive Springer Heterocyclic Chemistry Award 2018
Heidelberg | New York, 12 February 2018
Prize for outstanding research in heterocyclic chemistry goes to young professor from the University of Vienna
Springer publishes Computational Brain & Behavior with the Society for Mathematical Psychology
Heidelberg | New York, 29 January 2018
New official journal of the Society for Mathematical Psychology will be published by Springer from April 2018
Springer Nature in Heidelberg supports local charities at annual Christmas St Nicholas Market
Heidelberg, 11 January 2018
Over 26,000 euros have been raised for three women’s and children’s charities based in the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region
Springer to co-publish the Journal of Flow Chemistry
Heidelberg | Budapest, 7 December 2017
As of January 2018, Springer and Akadémiai Kiadó will co-publish the official journal of the Flow Chemistry Society
Springer collaborates with Australian mathematics research institute on new book series
Heidelberg | Melbourne, 5 December 2017
MATRIX and Springer will co-publish a new book series covering all areas of pure and applied mathematics and statistics
Club of Rome publishes a major new report on the governance of “Spaceship Earth”
Heidelberg | Winterthur, 05 December 2017
New book Come On! proposes an overhaul in the way that governments, businesses, financial systems, innovators and families interact with our planet.
Springer to publish Canadian Journal of Public Health
Heidelberg | New York, 28 November 2017
From 2018 Springer will collaborate with the Canadian Public Health Association to publish its official journal
Springer launches new interdisciplinary psychology journal
Heidelberg | New York, 16 November 2017
Human Arenas will provide a new outlet for research into psychology, culture and meaning starting in March 2018
Springer’s Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences wins award for best geoscience research resource
Heidelberg | New York, 19 October 2017
The 2017 Mary B. Ansari Best Geoscience Research Resource Work Award goes to Springer’s major reference work on marine geosciences
New book provides insights on the AIDS pandemic—past, present, and future
Heidelberg | New York, 28 September 2017
A rigorous and unflinching account of the inspiration and dysfunction at the heart of the global response to the AIDS pandemic
Springer and Graz University Press enter new co-publishing agreement
London | New York | Heidelberg, 21 September 2017
New cooperation will yield co-branded publications in all main disciplines covered by Springer Nature
Springer Healthcare’s Medicine Matters expands to include oncology and rheumatology resources
London | New York | Heidelberg, 18 September 2017
Medical education platform Medicine Matters provides healthcare professionals and specialists with new suite of products and enhanced features
Springer Nature pioneers charitable incentive system for peer reviewers
Heidelberg | London, 11 September 2017
For every peer review completed for the journal Environmental Earth Sciences, a water filter is donated to developing countries – almost 600 since the start of 2017
Springer Nature’s 2017 Cynthia Graham Hurd Memorial Scholarship Accepting Submissions
New York, 29 August 2017
The Cynthia Graham Hurd Memorial Scholarship for attendance to the Charleston Library Conference provides $1,500 to a librarian who has demonstrated an active interest in the profession, but has not had an opportunity to attend the annual gathering of librarians due to lack of institutional funding. The scholarship is to be applied to the costs of registration, travel, accommodations and meals.
Springer launches Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy
Heidelberg | New York, 9 August 2017
New journal provides outlet for research on the growing international challenge of economic disparity
Journal of High Energy Physics turns twenty
Heidelberg | Milan, 2 August 2017
Flagship physics journal celebrates 20 years of open access electronic publishing – by physicists and for physicists
Deni Purwandana receives Arnold Berliner Award 2017
Heidelberg | London, 5 July 2017
Indonesian biologist honored for his work on the Komodo dragon
The oval – creating beauty with numbers
Heidelberg | New York, 5 July 2017
New book All Sides to An Oval is packed with new findings revealing how to create these beautiful shapes
Derk Haank, Chief Executive Officer to retire and to be succeeded by Daniel Ropers
Berlin, 27 June 2017 – Derk Haank is to retire from his role as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Springer Nature by the end of 2017. Derk will be succeeded by Daniel Ropers, currently CEO of, who will join Springer Nature on October 1 and work with Derk until December to ensure a smooth transition.
Springer Nature imprints support World Refugee Day
Heidelberg | London, 19 June 2017
Apress partners with Humble Bundle to raise funds for charity, and Palgrave Macmillan highlights refugee related content on dedicated webpage with free access to journal articles
Springer Nature sponsors first Singapore Three Minute Thesis competition
Heidelberg | Singapore, 14 June 2017
PhD students from four universities in Singapore compete at Nanyang Technological University for popular science communication award
Springer Nature and Tsinghua University Press present the fourth Nano Research Award
Heidelberg | Beijing, 7 June 2017
Yi Xie honored for her outstanding contributions to nanoscale inorganic solid state chemistry
Ramin Golestanian awarded the EPJE Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Lecture Prize for 2017
Heidelberg | London, 17 May 2017
Physicist honored for outstanding contributions to the field of active matter
Augmented reality, the teeny tiny next big thing
Heidelberg | New York, 29 May 2017
Augmented reality offers the gifts of truth and information. And much, much more besides.
Springer sponsors two award lectures at EUROANALYSIS 2017
Heidelberg | London, 17 May 2017
Robert Kellner Lecture and DAC-EuCheMS Award lecture will be supported by Springer at upcoming analytical chemistry conference
From small Berlin bookshop to large international publishing house
Berlin | Heidelberg | New York, 10 May 2017
A driving force in academic publishing: Springer celebrates 175 years since its founding
Library users in Israel can now access Springer Nature’s MyCopy service
Heidelberg | London, 9 May 2017
Affordable print-on-demand softcover books are available in 31 countries
Springer Nature highlights over 180 world-changing articles
Heidelberg | London, 3 May 2017
Expanded Change the World, One Article at a Time campaign brings findings on pressing global issues to the wider research community
Springer signs landmark eBooks agreement with ABES in France
Heidelberg | Montpellier, 2 May 2017
French researchers gain access to historical and contemporary Springer eBook collections through ISTEX project
MOOCs and books initiative launched by Springer and Federica Weblearning
Heidelberg | Milan, 24 April 2017
Springer collaborates with one of Europe’s largest providers of free multimedia courses to offer authors, lecturers and students an enhanced teaching and learning experience
Cracking the case: Notes of a poison detective
Heidelberg | New York, 6 April 2017
New Springer book provides essential information for healthcare professionals | Real-life experience of a toxicologist presented in an entertaining yet instructive way
Victor Malka awarded the 2017 Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics
Heidelberg | New York, 5 April 2017
Plasma physicist recognized for pioneering research in the field of laser plasma acceleration
Killer spirals offer wild ride
Heidelberg | New York, 15 March 2017
Author of new book The Perfect Shape plots to infect readers with spiral madness
Springer Nature SciGraph: Supporting open science and the wider understanding of research
Heidelberg | London, 9 March 2017
Pioneering semantic platform with Linked Open Data will serve the needs of the research community
Recommended: Connecting researchers with the research that matters to them
London | Heidelberg, 23 February 2017
Recommended, a new service which connects the research community with the most relevant content is launched by Springer Nature today.
Springer Healthcare launches Medicine Matters, a new medical education website
Heidelberg | London, 15 February 2017
Healthcare professionals and specialists to benefit from free access to extensive content, commentaries and daily news from a leading global research, educational and professional publisher
Clint Alfaro receives Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Best Paper Award 2016
Heidelberg| New York, 8 February 2017
Young chemist honored for research in ambient ionization mass spectrometry applications in the field of cancer tissue-biopsy diagnosis
A “new human nature” – the key to our own and other species’ survival
Heidelberg | New York, 01 February 2017
The world is not flat and animals and plants think, feel, conceptualize and far surpass our species in a myriad of obvious and astonishing ways, according to authors Michael Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison
Can we see beginnings of state failure in the US and Europe?
Heidelberg | New York, 24 January 2017
New book highlights potentially catastrophic outcomes in new era of energy decline | Presents an empirically-grounded theoretical model of the complex interactions between biophysical processes and geopolitical crises
An Optimistic Vision for Paris Climate Agreement
Heidelberg | New York, 20 January 2017
New book provides detailed analysis of targets laid out by international community
Over 25 years of St Nicholas Markets – plentiful donations for a good cause
Heidelberg, January 13, 2017
Springer Nature donates 26,000 euros to two social projects in the region from the proceeds of its St Nicholas Market
Springer partners with the Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing | Heidelberg, 10 January 2017
New journal focusing on aerosol science expands Springer’s Chinese research collection
Apress and Humble Bundle encourage kids who code with “Code Your Own Games” charity bundle
Heidelberg | New York, 20 December 2016
Over $500 of game programming guides offered in support of Maker Initiative and Girls Who Code / Available only through December 28, 2016
The delights of dirt
Heidelberg | New York, 13 December 2016
Celebrating Soil is a new richly-illustrated book that takes the reader on a global treasure hunt to unearth the infinite variety beneath our feet.
Springer offers flexible purchasing option for Springer Book Archives
Heidelberg | New York, 7 December 2016
eBook subject collections can be purchased according to year set – Vintage, Modern and Millennium
Springer launches new journal Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics
Heidelberg | New York, 30 November 2016
Articles to cover fundamental and applied aspects of plasma physics
Springer Nature provides Italian universities hit by earthquake free access to electronic content
Heidelberg | London, 25 November 2016
Extended and expanded access to journals is offered to institutions in Camerino and Macerata
We’re cooking up trouble: The Anthropocene and its consequences
Heidelberg, 22 November 2016
From wooden spoon to the rudder of globalization | A non-fiction comic about food and how we might eat in tomorrow’s world | Project of the Cluster of Excellence at Humboldt-University, Berlin
Springer launches three new book series in cognitive psychology
Heidelberg | New York, 15 November 2016
Expert books will deal with computational approaches, theoretical advances and cultural developments
Science fiction book campaign results in a $22,000 charitable contribution
Heidelberg, 14 November 2016
Springer Nature and Humble Bundle’s eBook sale channels donations to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America’s Givers Fund
Homeopathy – the undiluted facts
Heidelberg, 8 November 2016
Does homeopathy work? | Why is it so popular? | What can it teach mainstream healthcare? | This book presents the evidence needed to help people answer these questions and more
Will your next doctor be a human being—or a machine?
New York | Heidelberg, 26 October 2016
New book Social Machines provides a peek at the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and the profound impacts it could have on our humanity
Apocalypse not yet – Surviving the 21st Century
Heidelberg, 20 October 2016
New book Surviving the 21st Century enriches understanding of humanity's greatest challenges and why we need to solve them
We’ve SharedIt! Springer Nature completes integration of its content sharing initiative across its entire owned portfolio of over 1,300 journals
London, 17 October 2016
Springer Nature is delighted to announce that it has rolled out its free content sharing initiative, now named SharedIt, to all of the Springer Nature-owned portfolio and over one thousand additional co-owned and partner-owned journals.
Springer Nature congratulates Nobel Prize winning authors
London, 13 October 2016
Eight out of the 11 Nobel Prize Laureates for 2016 are authors of research or books published by Springer Nature.
Trek-inspired enterprise
Heidelberg, 13 October 2016
The Realization of Star Trek Technologies explores the role that the show played, and continues to play, in inspiring the real world of science
Springer Nature merges Major Reference Works portfolios of Palgrave Macmillan and Springer
Heidelberg | New York, 12 October 2016
Official launch of the expanded Major Reference Works portfolio at this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair
Adis partnership with Amplion delivers biomarker data to AdisInsight users
Heidelberg | New York, 4 October 2016
Partnership to enrich drug and clinical trial content in the AdisInsight platformPartnership to enrich drug and clinical trial content in the AdisInsight platform
Springer Nature to partner with China’s Publishing House of Electronics Industry
Heidelberg | New York, 27 September 2016
Book series planned on China’s 5G communications and satellite navigation system
Springer encyclopedia for dating methods of fossil finds singled out for scientific research award
Heidelberg | New York, 26 September 2016
Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods wins Mary B. Ansari Best Geoscience Research Resource Work Award 2016
Beyond the birds and the bees: Sex up your knowledge
Heidelberg, 22 September 2016
New Springer book presents facts on the world’s simplest pleasure from the perspective of science
Happy Birthday, Springer Nature Link!
Heidelberg | New York, 22 September 2016
Springer’s online platform celebrates its 20th anniversary with 10 million documents
Springer Nature and journal editors team up in project for developing countries
Heidelberg | New York, 21 September 2016
For every peer review for Environmental Earth Sciences, a water filter will be donated to the non-profit humanitarian organization “Filter of Hope”
Read science and science fiction for a good cause
Heidelberg | New York, 20 September 2016
Springer Nature and Humble Bundle are partnering in a book campaign supporting the U.S. Fund for UNICEF and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America’s Givers Fund
From 2016 Springer publishes the Journal of Business Cycle Research
Heidelberg | Kopenhagen, 15 September 2016
CIRET has now relaunched its OECD journal under a new name and will present it to the public today at the CIRET conference in Copenhagen
Adis launches expanded range of services to support pharmacovigilance departments
Heidelberg | München, 12 September 2016
Adis Pharmacovigilance will help pharmacovigilance teams to face the challenges of regulatory literature monitoring
Policing biases ̶ A critical issue facing law enforcement today
Heidelberg | New York, 1 September 2016
New book Producing Bias-Free Policing uses modern psychological research to demonstrate that traditional interventions to address bias in policing have been off target
Springer’s LOD platform offers new service for authors and conference organizers
Heidelberg | 31 August 2016
Feature will help authors who want to make sure their proceedings papers are indexed
Springer Nature partners with FLTRP in promoting Chinese thought and culture overseas
Beijing | London, 25 August 2016
New English book series called Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture to be published
Digging in data and spinning stories – CMOs at work
New York | Heidelberg, 24 August 2016
Interviews with leading marketing executives from global enterprises offer insights into their careers and daily business activities
Ethereum – Foundations of cryptocurrency and blockchain programming
New York | Heidelberg, 21 April 2017
New Apress book explains technical foundations of the Ethereum project | View to new products and services
Springer publishes HCNA learning guide for Huawei
Heidelberg | Shanghai, 1 August 2016
New book HCNA Networking Study Guide just published
Adis launches new open access pharmacoeconomics journal
Heidelberg | Auckland, 1 August 2016
PharmacoEconomics - Open will provide readers with the latest on health economics and outcomes
Springer Nature and Tsinghua University Press present the Third Nano Research Award
Heidelberg | London, 13 July 2016
Peidong Yang honored for his outstanding contributions to nanowire-related science and technology in the field of artificial photosynthesis
Regine von Klitzing awarded the EPJ E Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Lecture Prize for 2016
Heidelberg | London, 12 July 2016
Physicist honored for her important contributions to polymer physics
Swedish researchers to benefit from innovative open access agreement with Springer
Heidelberg | London, 7 July 2016
National Library of Sweden signs Springer Compact deal on behalf of Swedish library consortium
Codex Orféo – a shocking and uplifting personal vision of the Holocaust and its unexpectedly ecological aftermath
Heidelberg | New York, 4 July 2016
New novel centers around two brothers in a unique crisis: profound meditation on the future of life on Earth
Impact factors of Springer and Palgrave Macmillan journals announced: increased number of journals in JCR
Heidelberg | New York, 27 June 2016
Springer online platform SpringerLink now includes Palgrave Macmillan journals
Juan Scheun receives Arnold Berliner Award 2016
Heidelberg | New York, 16 June 2016
Young biologist honored for his research on the African lesser bushbaby
Klaus Hulek is new editor-in-chief of zbMATH
Heidelberg | New York, 14 June 2016
Leading mathematics reviewing service will further expand recently added functionalities
Roland Wiesendanger and Xiang Zhang awarded the 2016 Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics
London | Heidelberg, 6 June 2016
Two renowned scientists recognized for their outstanding achievements in materials science research
How to ride on brainwaves: From ideas to business
Heidelberg | London, 2 June 2016
The book From Science to Startup offers insights into the world of entrepreneurs and explains how to build a scientific startup from scratch
Springer to launch the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement
Heidelberg | New York, 1 June 2016
New journal will explore the theory and practice of improving human “brainpower”
MyCopy service from Springer Nature now available in Turkey
Heidelberg | London | Istanbul, 31 May 2016
MyCopy provides affordable softcover books to library users in 30 countries
The codes of World War I
Heidelberg, 12 May 2016
First-ever published articles on the work of the US Military Intelligence Division offer insights on Germany’s espionage and deciphering during America’s participation in WWI
Springer and the Society for Occupational Health Psychology launch new journal
London | Heidelberg, 3 May 2016
Occupational Health Science will focus on research related to worker safety, health and well-being
Springer journal Quantum Information Processing presents first Howard E. Brandt Best Paper Award
London | Heidelberg, 21 April 2016
Established in honor of journal’s late editor-in-chief / Korean scientist Mun Dae Kim wins prize
Networking to promote electric mobility
Wiesbaden, 21 April 2016
A breakthrough in electric mobility cannot be expected until products interact perfectly with infrastructure /International ATZ conference Grid Integration of Electric Mobility from 31 May to 1 June 2016 in Berlin will bring together representatives of the automotive industry, energy suppliers, data services and the world of politics
Springer opens research articles that can make a difference
Heidelberg | 1 April 2016
New project Change the World, One Article at a Time: Must-Read Articles from 2015 highlights research that addresses today’s pressing global issues
Science in fiction
Heidelberg, 9 March 2016
Daily life in biomedical labs described in new novel by scientist
Asia Pacific: What lies ahead for its business leaders?
Heidelberg, 8 March 2016
Timely book Foresight & Strategy in the Asia Pacific Region sheds light on business perspectives in a time of change
New Springer book series inspires sustainable city development
Heidelberg | London | Tokyo, 25 February 2016
Theory and Practice of Urban Sustainability Transitions provides new insights into how cities address the sustainability challenges
The rise of the cyborgs – welcome to the post-human age
Heidelberg, 17 February 2016
The new book Cyber-Humans, Our Future with Machines provides a broad perspective on humanity’s technological future. It explains why a future merger between humans and machines is inevitable and what the coming cyborg age might look like.
David Calligaris receives Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Best Paper Award 2015
Heidelberg | New York, 11 February 2016
Biochemist honoured for his research in the use of mass spectrometry in the diagnosis of brain neoplasms during surgery
Scientific education through films?
Heidelberg, 28 January 2016
New book Hollyweird Science offers entertaining and informative tour of how movies transport hot topics in science to the public
Springer and The Graphene Council launch new journal Graphene Technology
New York | Heidelberg, 18 January 2016
Researchers from both academia and industry will benefit from new nanotechnology publication
Springer Heidelberg hosts its traditional St. Nicholas market once again for a good cause
Heidelberg, 13 January 2016
Springer expands its portfolio to include two journals that cover current research in all fields of business administration
Springer to publish Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung and the Schmalenbach Business Review
Heidelberg | New York, 11 January 2016
Springer expands its portfolio to include two journals that cover current research in all fields of business administration
Springer Heterocyclic Chemistry Award 2016 goes to Jérôme Waser
Heidelberg | New York, 11 Januar 2016
Young Swiss scientist honoured for his outstanding research
Springer Nature hits milestone of 200,000 ORCID identifiers
London, 7 January 2016
Merkel-Sobotta to leave Springer Nature
Heidelberg | New York, 3 December 2015
Springer’s Journal of Materials Science awards the 2015 Robert W. Cahn Best Paper Prize
Heidelberg | Boston, 1 December 2015
University of Virginia scientists receive award for their outstanding paper on protective coatings for ceramics
Nature Publishing Group releases landmark White Paper - Turning Point: Chinese Science in Transition
Shanghai, 25 November 2015
Recommends that Chinese research must continue to transform and reform to achieve the country’s goal of driving innovation-led development
Springer launches book series with the Brazilian Center for Research and Development (CPqD)
Heidelberg | New York, 18 November 2015
Telecommunications and Information Technology will offer books which bridge the gap between academia and industry
Confessions of the Pricing Man – How price affects everything
Heidelberg, 11 November 2015
Newly released book by global pricing guru Professor Hermann Simon
European Medicines Agency signs four-year deal for AdisInsight
Heidelberg | New York, 11 November 2015
Drug database AdisInsight provides reliable data for researchers, strategists, regulators and healthcare providers
Springer Nature implements ORCID unique digital identifiers for books and chapters
Heidelberg | New York, 2 November 2015
ORCID used in book workflow to help solve author name ambiguity problems in research and scholarly communications
Springer launches book series with the Chinese Academy of Engineering
Heidelberg | New York, 27 October 2015
Research on the Intelligent City Construction and Promotion Strategies is the first book series on this emerging topic
Springer to collaborate with the Beijing Institute of Technology Press
Heidelberg | New York, 27 October 2015
New publishing collaboration includes books, journals and digital databases
Springer Nature and UNSILO release pioneering new interactive Related Content service on SpringerLink
Heidelberg | New York, 26 October 2015
Service identifies important phrases used in a scientific article and provides related articles containing similar concepts
Springer Theses celebrates five years of success
Heidelberg | New York, 23 October 2015
Book series publishes the “best of the best” PhD theses, documenting the valuable contributions made by today’s young scientists
Guiding a business to new heights through transformational thinking
New York | Heidelberg, 22 October 2015
New book Transformational Sales – Making a Difference with Strategic Customers just published
UK researchers will now benefit from innovative open access agreement between Springer and Jisc
Heidelberg | New York, 22 October 2015
New agreement seeks to reduce costs and administration of meeting OA mandate requirements for researchers and institutions in the UK
Max Planck Society researchers to benefit from open access agreement with Springer
Heidelberg | New York, 21 October 2015
Springer Compact allows open access publishing without administrative obstacles or cost barriers