About this book series

Friendly Guides to Technology is designed to explore important and popular topics, tools and methods within the tech industry to help those with and without technical backgrounds come together on a more equal playing field and bridge underlying knowledge gaps to ensure teams, regardless of background, can fully work together with confidence.

This series is for people with a variety of goals, including those without a technical background who work closely with developers and engineers, those who want to transition into the industry but don’t know where to start, as well as people who are looking for a clear and friendly introduction to a particular topic.

Focusing on all areas of the modern tech industry from development, product and design to management and operations, this series aims to provide a better, more well-rounded, understanding of the ecosystem as a whole and remove as many barriers-of-access to the industry, be it cultural or financial, to ensure everyone has the ability to successfully learn and pursue a career in technology, whether they want to be a developer or not.

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Leticia Portella,
  • Naomi Ceder

Book titles in this series