About this book series

This series publishes concise books on aspects of a field that holds so much promise for providing solutions to some of the most difficult problems of tissue repair, healing, and regeneration. The field of tissue engineering straddles biology, medicine, and engineering, and it is this multi-disciplinary nature that is bound to revolutionize treatments for a plethora of tissue and organ problems. Central to tissue engineering is the use of living cells with a variety of biochemical or biophysical stimuli to alter or maximize cellular functions and responses. However, in addition to its therapeutic potential, this field is making significant strides in providing diagnostic tools. Topics will include: 1) tissue engineering knowledge on particular tissues or organs (e.g., articular cartilage, liver, cardiovascular tissue), but also on 2) methodologies and protocols, as well as 3) the main actors in tissue engineering paradigms, such as cells, biomolecules, biomaterials, biomechanics, and engineering design.
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Book titles in this series

Abstracted and indexed in

  1. EI Compendex