About this book series

The aim of Collaborative Bioethics, is to draw attention to an underexplored but increasingly important area of scholarly thought and action: bioethics as a co-creative activity of ethicists working with scientists rather than as always a reaction to biomedical developments after the fact. The scope of this series is determined by each major subfield of science and medicine that raises ethical uncertainties for researchers, regulators, and the public.

Collaborative Bioethics is a series that will provide a central hub for timely publications addressing ethical issues that are emerging right alongside the science. As such, this series will be of interest to a wide swath of readers: bioengineers and scientists at all professional levels; bioethicists intrigued by bioengineering and medical advances; research regulators and funders; and the general public.
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Insoo Hyun

Book titles in this series