About this book series

Markets are shaped by globalization, business partners communicate in real-time unbounded by distance, and organizations are bound to keep pace with the fast-moving change processes in their respective environments. To maintain their course in the rough sea of economic competition, operational efficiency is of utmost importance for all organizations. Since the advent of “Business Process Reengineering” an integral management concept based on its core premises, “Business Process Management,” (BPM) has developed. Titles in the “BPM Competence” book series are at the same time easy to understand, reality-tested and scientifically well founded. They focus on selected trends and developments in business process management. The series includes both methodical works introducing procedural models for process management, and practical guides for the application of process management in specific branches of the industry and economy. If you’re looking for a reliable resource work on all aspects of process management, “BPM Competence” is your first choice!
Discontinued series: although this series no longer publishes new content, the published titles listed here remain available.
Series Editor
  • Jörg Becker

Book titles in this series