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An International Journal on Agricultural Biotechnology

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aBIOTECH - Special Issue "Biological nitrogen fixation and microbiome in crop improvement"

There is increasing evidence showing that the root microbiome is vital to crop health, growth and development and plays a prominent role in crop fitness under diverse environmental growth conditions. Meanwhile, the increasing demand for food driven by global population expansion necessitates major increases in agricultural production, which currently relies heavily on high-yielding crop varieties and chemical N fertilizers. Deep understanding of the biological nitrogen fixation is critical for reducing chemical fertilizer applications, and developing promising strategies for plant nitrogen uptake and green sustainable agriculture.

The journal of aBIOTECH is pleased to announce that it will publish a special issue on “Biological nitrogen fixation and microbiome in crop improvement”.

In this special issue, we plan to publish articles covering the following topics, but are not limited to:

1. Legume-rhizobium symbiosis.

2. Function and modulating microbiome to improve crop yield.

3. Cultivation of crops with symbiotic and autonomous N fixation.

4. Symbiotic specificity in legume-rhizobium interactions.

5. Cross talk between symbiosis and immunity.

6. Engineering biological nitrogen fixation.

7. Multi-omics technologies on microbiome studies.

Special Issue Editors

Dr. Ertao Wang, CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences/Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS. E-mail: (this opens in a new tab)

Dr. Pengbo Liang, China Agricultural University. E-mail: (this opens in a new tab)

Dr. Xu Cheng, Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen (AGIS), CAAS. E-mail: (this opens in a new tab)

Submission deadline: September 1st 2024

Publication date: January 2025

For submission, instruction to authors, and other information, please visit: (this opens in a new tab) (this opens in a new tab)

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