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Machine Intelligence Research - Warning Against Fraudulent Websites! Notice from Machine Intelligence Research

Dear Authors and Readers,

It has come to our attention that there are fraudulent websites impersonating our journal---Machine Intelligence Research (MIR). These fake websites are attempting to deceive authors and readers by presenting themselves as legitimate, using our journal's name, and issuing fake acceptance letters. Their primary aim is to illegally obtain money by cheating unsuspecting individuals.

We urge all our authors and readers to exercise caution and verify the authenticity of the journal website before submitting manuscripts or making any payments. Here are some guidelines to help you identify the legitimate website and avoid falling victim to these scams:

MIR Official Website: Always ensure that you are accessing the journal through our official websites below. (this opens in a new tab)

Bookmark these links and do not trust any other URLs that might look similar.

Communication Verification: All official communications from our journal will come from our verified email addresses ( Be cautious of any emails from unrecognized addresses or those that do not use our official domain.

Acceptance Letters: Genuine acceptance letters will be issued only through our official channels. If you receive an acceptance letter that seems suspicious, please contact our editorial office ( directly to verify its authenticity.

Payment Requests: Be wary of any unsolicited payment requests. Our journal will only request payments through secure and verified methods. If you are uncertain about a payment request, contact us ( directly before proceeding.

If you encounter any suspicious websites, emails, or communications, please report them to our editorial office immediately through Your vigilance is crucial in helping us combat these fraudulent activities and protect the integrity of our journal.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter and for your continued support.

Official channels of our journal:

  • Emails of the editorial office: / /
  • X (Twitter): MIR_Journal
  • Facebook: Machine Intelligence Research
  • YouTube: Machine Intelligence Research


Editorial Office of Machine Intelligence Research
