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Sensing and Imaging - Topical Collection/Special Issue idea? Contact us

Sensing and Imaging welcomes proposals for topical collections / special issues from prospective guest editors. Special issue proposals should be submitted by emails to  Cindy Zitter:  (this opens in a new tab)

Please include in the subject line ‘SSTA Topical Collection Proposal’.

Special Issue Proposal form – download here (this opens in a new tab)

In the special issue form, you can find our basic requirements for special issue proposals. Please study them carefully and address each requirement appropriately when you prepare your application. Moreover, please make sure your proposal fits well into the scope of Sensing and Imaging (this opens in a new tab).

We publish special issues on topics within the journal scope for conferences by guest editors from conference organizers and/or program committees. But we expect only a small number of selected papers from one conference for each special issue. Moreover, the selected papers for the special issue must be significantly revised both in methods and results compared to their conference versions, and peer-reviewed as normal papers before publishing in the journal. 
