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Checking the article: proofing procedure

You will receive your page proofs approximately two weeks after finishing the MyPublication process.

  • The proofs are sent to you via e-mail including a hyperlink. The purpose of the proof is to check for typesetting or conversion errors and the completeness and accuracy of the text, tables and figures.
  • The typesetter will insert queries in the proofs wherever clarifications are required from the author. You will be asked to return the proofs with your comments and/or corrections to the typesetter by e.Proofing, email or fax.
  • You will also receive a metadata sheet showing the header information that will later appear on SpringerLink and other online platforms. This should also be checked, especially the author(s) names and affiliations.

Author’s corrections: limitations

  • After the manuscript is accepted for production, alterations beyond minor corrections (especially corrections for typographical errors arising during the typesetting processes) are not permitted.
  • Changes that involve only matters of style will not be carried out by the typesetter, as we have generally introduced forms that follow the journal’s style.
  • Substantial changes in content, e.g., new results, corrected values, and changes of title and authorship are not allowed without the approval of the responsible editor.
  • Usually, revised proofs will not be sent to the author. Authors may, however, ask for a revised proof in case of multiple errors and extensive corrections.