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Services for Book Authors/Editors

“The relationship between writer/editor and publisher needs to be positive for the project to feel successful - I felt supported throughout and communication was excellent.”

Services for Authors © Springer 2020Springer’s author services are designed to enhance your publishing experience by shedding light on what happens after your book is published.

Download your free eBook and find your book- and chapter-level metrics on Springer Nature Link—see how your book is being discovered, downloaded and cited.

Your published book will allow you to connect with other scholars, opening up the potential for future collaboration and providing opportunities to accelerate your career.

  • images_reputation

    Book author satisfaction

    89% of Springer Nature book authors and editors rated their overall experience with the publication process as 'excellent' or 'good'. Find out more about their feedback.

  • SEO

    Search engine optimization: Tips for authors

    Contribute to your book's success, long before it's published! Help search engines present your book to the right audience and give these readers what they want.