About this book series

A shift from monopolistic government to a competitive setting is expected to improve efficient production and stimulate innovation. That shift has typically been in the form of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), where each partner contributes its share of comparatively advantaged resources towards the production and delivery of the services. The shift to PPP, the types of services, and the methods used in the shift are increasing and becoming ever more sophisticated. This book series intends to capture a state of the art of such PPPs and present a guide for the implementation of such ventures.

The book series will present, evaluate, and suggest policy implications based upon PPP experiences in fields like: police, prisons, courts, water and wastewater, telecommunications, air and water ports, rail, highways, schools, garbage collection, postal services, cyber security, foster care and child adoption, and homeland security management. The audience of this book series are  advanced undergraduate/graduate students students in courses on privatization and public finance, consultants and researchers in both government and the private sector, and members of think tanks that promote the ideas of more-focused government, competitive government, and privatization.

The series welcomes proposals for monographs, edited volumes, and handbooks. Please contact the responsible editor for more information. All proposals submitted undergo single-blind evaluation by the series editors and/or external peer reviewers prior to acceptance and publication.
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Simon Hakim,
  • Adrian Moore,
  • Robert M. Clark

Book titles in this series

Abstracted and indexed in