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Recommend Clinical Trials Insight to your institution

Would you like to try out Clinical Trials Insight for yourself? If so, please complete your details in the form below to recommend Clinical Trials Insight and we will contact your company/institution to arrange a trial.

By submitting this form, you are agreeing to us contacting your department head or librarian on your behalf to promote Clinical Trials Insight. Please only supply their details if you have their consent to do so. We use the information you supply in this form to help us understand more about our customers and their interests. We may also contact you from time-to-time to let you know about relevant new services and offers available from the Adis team. We promise not to distribute or sell your information to any 3rd parties, outside of the Springer group. You can amend your contact preferences at any time by emailing
Privacy Policy *

We collect and use your personal data to facilitate the information you requested. As we describe in our privacy policy, we won’t contact you for anything not related to this request and we will not share your information with any third parties. We may share it with our affiliated companies and use it internally for analysis purposes.

* required field