About this book series

The emergent field of prevention science focuses on the application of theories derived from epidemiologic studies, human development, human behavior, genetics, and neuroscience to develop and evaluate cognitive and behavioral interventions. Research over the past two decades has dramatically changed the impact that preventive interventions have had on a number of problem behaviors including substance use and abuse, sexually transmitted infections including HIV and AIDS, violence and injuries, juvenile delinquency, academic failure, obesity, and even lifestyle-related diseases such as hypertension and cardiovascular disorders, cancer, and diabetes.


This book series was conceived to summarize our accumulated knowledge to date and its application to practice. In addition, the series provides suggestions for both short- and long-term research. Having moved forward knowledge about these social and health areas and how to prevent them with various degrees of success, the editors and authors of the series wish to make these findings available to researchers, practitioners, policy makers, social science students, and the public.

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Zili Sloboda,
  • Hanno Petras

Book titles in this series

  1. Prevention of Substance Use

    • Zili Sloboda
    • Hanno Petras
    • Elizabeth Robertson
    • Ralph Hingson
    • Copyright: 2019

    Available Renditions

    • Hard cover
    • eBook