About this book series

In Western Europe and other developed parts of the world, there are some very significant demographic processes taking place at the individual, household, community and national scales including the ageing of the population, the delay in childbearing, the rise in childlessness, the increase in divorce, the fall in marriage rates, the increase in cohabitation, the increase in mixed marriages, the change in household structures, the rise in step-parenting, and the appearance of new streams of migration taking place both within and between countries. The relationships between demographic change, international migration, labour and housing market dynamics, care provision and intergenerational attitudes are complex to understand and yet it is vital to quantify the trends and to understand the processes. Similarly, it is critical to appreciate what the policy consequences are for the trends and processes that have become apparent. This series has its roots in understanding and analyzing these trends and processes.

This series will be of interest to a wide range of individuals with interests in demographic and social change, including demographers, population geographers, sociologists, economists, political scientists, epidemiologists and health researchers and well as practitioners and commentators across the social sciences.

Discontinued series: although this series no longer publishes new content, the published titles listed here remain available.

Book titles in this series

  1. Understanding Family Change and Variation

    Toward a Theory of Conjunctural Action

    • Jennifer A. Johnson-Hanks
    • Christine A. Bachrach
    • S. Philip Morgan
    • Hans-Peter Kohler
    • Copyright: 2011

    Available Renditions

    • Hard cover
    • Soft cover
    • eBook
  2. Ethnicity and Integration

    • John Stillwell
    • Maarten van Ham
    • Copyright: 2010

    Available Renditions

    • Hard cover
    • Soft cover
    • eBook