- Series Editor
- Bert Gordijn
- Mandi Astola
- Editorial Board Member
- Dieter Birnbacher
- Bernice Bovenkerk
- Roger Brownsword
- J. Adam Carter
- Samantha Copeland
- Paul Stephen Dempsey
- Jessica Nihle-n Fahlquist
- Michael Froomkin
- Stephen M. Gardiner
- Serge Gutwirth
- Richard Heersmink
- Rafaela Hillerbrand
- Bartha Knoppers
- Graeme Laurie
- Niklas Möller
- Sven Nyholm
- Sabine Roeser
- John Weckert
- Yashar Saghai
- Shannon Vallor
- Catriona McKinnon
- Jathan Sadowski
About the Editor
Bert Gordijn is Chair of Ethics and Director of the Ethics Institute at Dublin City University. In addition, Bert is Secretary of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care. He has doctorates in Philosophy from the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg and in Bioethics from the Radboud University Nijmegen. In addition to being Editor-in-Chief of the International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology, he is Editor-in-Chief of two peer reviewed journals: Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (published by Springer) and Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology (published by Berkeley Electronic Press). Bert has an extensive record of peer reviewed publications and international lectures within the field of ethics, law and technology. He has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Patent Office, the External Science Advisory Panel to the Long-Range Research Initiative of the European Chemical Industry Council and has served on the UNESCO expert committee on ethics and nanotechnology.
Mandi Astola is Assistant Professor in the Philosophy and Ethics of Technology section at TU Delft. She has a PhD from Eindhoven University of Technology, completed in 2022. She has published in topics like social epistemology, ethics of collective behavior, virtue epistemology, virtue ethics and ethics of technology and innovation.