Electronic Modelling of Deterministic and Stochastic Oscillators
Experimental Implementations of Ordinary Differential Equations

Book series
Springer Series in Synergetics
Founding Editor: H. Haken
The Springer Series in Synergetics was founded by Herman Haken in 1977. Since then, the series has evolved into a substantial reference library for the quantitative, theoretical and methodological foundations of the science of complex systems.
Through many enduring classic texts, such as Haken's Synergetics and Information and Self-Organization, Gardiner's Handbook of Stochastic Methods, Risken's The Fokker Planck-Equation or Haake's Quantum Signatures of Chaos, the series has made, and continues to make, important contributions to shaping the foundations of the field.
The series publishes monographs and graduate-level textbooks of broad and general interest, with a pronounced emphasis on the physico-mathematical approach.
Experimental Implementations of Ordinary Differential Equations
Available Renditions
From Traffic Jam to Collective Motion
Available Renditions
Revised and Extended, Now also Covering Patterns of Active Matter
Available Renditions
Available Renditions
Available Renditions