About this book series

The intended readers are all those interested in the foundations of writing and learning and teaching processes in written composition. The series aims at multiple perspectives of writing, education and texts. Therefore authors and readers come from various fields of research, from curriculum development and from teacher training. Fields of research covered are cognitive, socio-cognitive and developmental psychology, psycholinguistics, text linguistics, curriculum development, instructional science.
The series aims to cover theoretical issues, supported by empirical research, quantitative as well as qualitative, representing a wide range of nationalities. The series provides a forum with research from established researchers, with contributions of young researchers. Each book focuses on a central theme from the international forum of writing research.

Please note that this series is no longer published by Springer. Kluwer Academic Publishers published volumes 7 to 16 of the international book series Studies in Writing, founded at Amsterdam University Press. The series continues under the same title with another publishing house. Subsequent titles appeared with Elsevier or Emerald, and the current publisher is Brill. For new proposals, please contact the series editors Raquel Fidalgo, Universidad de León, Spain, and Thierry Olive, National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) & University of Poitiers, France directly.
Discontinued series: although this series no longer publishes new content, the published titles listed here remain available.
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Book titles in this series