Critical Infrastructure Protection XVIII
18th IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference, ICCIP 2024, Arlington, VA, USA, March 18–19, 2024, Proceedings

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
The IFIP AICT series publishes state-of-the-art results in the sciences and technologies of information and communication. The scope of the series includes: foundations of computer science; software theory and practice; education; computer applications in technology; communication systems; systems modeling and optimization; information systems; ICT and society; computer systems technology; security and protection in information processing systems; artificial intelligence; and human-computer interaction.
Edited volumes and proceedings of refereed international conferences in computer science and interdisciplinary fields are featured. These results often precede journal publication and represent the most current research.
The principal aim of the IFIP AICT series is to encourage education and the dissemination and exchange of information about all aspects of computing.
18th IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference, ICCIP 2024, Arlington, VA, USA, March 18–19, 2024, Proceedings
Available Renditions
IFIP TC9 50th Anniversary Anthology
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20th IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference, New Delhi, India, January 4–5, 2024, Revised Selected Papers
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17th IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference, ICCIP 2023, Arlington, VA, USA, March 13–14, 2023, Revised Selected Papers
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7th IFIP WG 5.5 International Cross-Domain Conference, IFIPIoT 2024, Nice, France, November 6–8, 2024, Proceedings
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