About this book series

This series of books, which is published at the rate of about one per year, addresses fundamental problems in materials science. The contents cover a broad range of topics from small clusters of atoms to engineering materials and involves chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering, with length scales ranging from Ã…ngstroms up to millimeters. The emphasis is on basic science rather than on applications. Each book focuses on a single area of current interest and brings together leading experts to give an up-to-date discussion of their work and the work of others. Each article contains enough references that the interested reader can access the relevant literature. Thanks are given to the Center for Fundamental Materials Research at Michigan State University for supporting this series.
Discontinued series: although this series no longer publishes new content, the published titles listed here remain available.
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Book titles in this series

Abstracted and indexed in

  1. INIS Atomindex