About this book series

The series publishes short books on topics that include both classic and advanced antenna configurations. Each Lecture covers, for that topic, the fundamental principles in a unified manner, develops underlying concepts needed for sequential material, and progresses to the more advanced designs and state-of-the-art advances made in antennas.  Computer software, when appropriate and available, is included for computation, visualization, and design. 

The series is designed to meet the demands of 21st century technology and its advancements on antenna analysis, design, and measurements for engineers, scientists, technologists, and engineering managers in the fields of wireless communication, radiation, propagation, communication, navigation, radar, RF systems, remote sensing, and radio astronomy who require a better understanding of the underlying concepts, designs, advancements, and applications of antennas.
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Constantine A. Balanis

Book titles in this series

Abstracted and indexed in

  1. EI Compendex
  2. SCImago