About this book series

This Open Access book series aims to make timely and targeted contributions for decision-makers and on-the-ground practitioners by producing knowledge concerning “socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes” (SEPLS) – areas where production activities help maintain biodiversity and ecosystem services in various forms while sustainably supporting the livelihoods and well-being of local communities. Each volume will be designed as a compilation of case studies providing useful knowledge and lessons focusing on a specific theme that is important for SEPLS, accompanied by a synthesis chapter that extracts lessons learned through the case studies to present them for policy-relevant academic discussions. The series is also intended to contribute to efforts being made by researchers and scientists to strengthen the evidence base on socio-ecological dynamics and resilience, including those under the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
The promotion and conservation of SEPLS have been the focus of the Satoyama Initiative, a global effort to realise societies in harmony with nature. In 2010, the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI) was established to implement the concept of the Satoyama Initiative and promote various activities by enhancing awareness and creating synergies among those working with SEPLS. As a unique platform joined by governmental, intergovernmental, nongovernmental, private-sector, academic, and indigenous peoples’ organisations, IPSI has been collecting and sharing the information, lessons, and experiences on SEPLS to accumulate a diverse range of knowledge. Case studies to be published in this series will be solicited from practitioners, researchers, and others working on the ground, who are affiliated with IPSI member organizations and closely involved and familiar with the activities related to SEPLS management.
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Tsunao Watanabe

Book titles in this series