About this book series

The book series Smart Agriculture presents progress of smart agricultural technologies, which includes, but not limited to, specialty crop harvest robotics, UAV technologies for row crops, innovative IoT applications in plant factories, and big data for optimizing production process. It includes both theoretical study and practical applications, with emphasis on systematic studies. AI technologies in agricultural productions will be emphasized, consisting of innovative algorithms and new application domains. Additionally, new crops are emerging, such as hemp in U.S., and covered as well. This book series would cover regions worldwide, such as U.S., Canada, China, Japan, Korea, and Brazil.

The book series Smart Agriculture aims to provide an academic platform for interdisciplinary researchers to provide their state-of-the-art technologies related to smart agriculture. Researchers of different academic backgrounds are encouraged to contribute to the book, such as agriculture engineers, breeders, horticulturist, agronomist, and plant pathologists. The series would target a very broad audience – all having a professional related to agriculture production. It also could be used as textbooks for graduate students.
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Zhao Zhang,
  • Yiannis Ampatzidis,
  • Paulo Flores,
  • Yuanjie Wang

Book titles in this series