
Advisory Editor
  • Ai Qun Liu
  • Din Ping Tsai
Series Editor
  • Lip Ket Chin
  • Yi Zhang
  • Weiming Zhu

About the Editor

Professor Ai Qun Liu received PhD degree from National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1994. Currently, he is Chair Professor of Quantum Engineering and Science, at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Professor Liu is interested in the research fields of photonics, optofluidics, quantum photonic device and system. He serves as an editor and editorial board member of several journals. He is the author of over 200 publications including peer-reviewed journal papers and two books. Also, he is OSA Fellow, RCS Fellow and SPIE Fellow.


Professor Din Ping Tsai received PhD degree from University of Cincinnati in 1990. Currently, he is Chair Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, at City University of Hong Kong. Professor Tsai is interested in the research fields of nanophotonics, plasmonics, near-field optics and bio-photonics. He is a Fellow of AAAS, APS, IEEE, OSA, SPIE, Electro Magnetics Academy and the Physical Society of R.O.C. He is also Academician of Asia Pacific Academy of Materials and Corresponding Member of International Academy of Engineering.