About this book series

Sustainable Civil Infrastructures (SUCI) is a series of peer-reviewed books and proceedings based on the best studies on emerging research from all fields related to sustainable infrastructures and aiming at improving our well-being and day-to-day lives. The infrastructures we are building today will shape our lives tomorrow. The complex and diverse nature of the impacts due to weather extremes on transportation and civil infrastructures can be seen in our roadways, bridges, and buildings. Extreme summer temperatures, droughts, flash floods, and rising numbers of freeze-thaw cycles pose challenges for civil infrastructure and can endanger public safety. We constantly hear how civil infrastructures need constant attention, preservation, and upgrading. Such improvements and developments would obviously benefit from our desired book series that provide sustainable engineering materials and designs. The economic impact is huge and much research has been conducted worldwide. The future holds many opportunities, not only for researchers in a given country, but also for the worldwide field engineers who apply and implement these technologies. We believe that no approach can succeed if it does not unite the efforts of various engineering disciplines from all over the world under one umbrella to offer a beacon of modern solutions to the global infrastructure. Experts from the various engineering disciplines around the globe will participate in this series, including: Geotechnical, Geological, Geoscience, Petroleum, Structural, Transportation, Bridge, Infrastructure, Energy, Architectural, Chemical and Materials, and other related Engineering disciplines.

SUCI series is now indexed in SCOPUS and EI Compendex.  

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
  • Hany Farouk Shehata
Series Editor
  • Mourad Amer

Book titles in this series

  1. Recent Advances in Applied Sciences

    Engineering and Technology Innovations

    • Ritesh Bhat
    • Nithesh Naik
    • Ketan Kotecha
    • Antony V. Samrot
    • Copyright: 2025

    Available Renditions

    • Soft cover
    • eBook

Abstracted and indexed in

  1. EI Compendex
  2. SCImago
  4. zbMATH