About this book series

System Dynamics modeling has proven an effective tool in eliciting the mental models of decision makers, thusly a fruitful dialog is induced among a variety of parties, such as actors in the public sector, or between them and their counterparts in the private sector. Such a dialogue is a prerequisite for building mutual understanding, confidence and trust among such parties and to establish a foundation for organizational learning. This is a key component of a planning process aiming at pursuing consistency between policy design and implementation, vertical and horizontal coordination, and sustainable development of both individual organizations and the areas where they are located. 
It is the purpose of this series to provide public sector, business and non-profit organizations with insightful perspectives to foster performance management and governance, according to a learning-oriented approach. 

Refereeing Process for Systems Dynamics for Performance Management & Governance Series
All books in the Systems Dynamics for Performance Management series undergo a rigorous review process in order to be published. The following is an outline of the structure for book proposals, culminating with the final acceptance and publication of the book.
1) One of the following possible scenarios usually begins a book proposal:
   a) Author/Editor contacts Series Editor with an idea for a book
   b) Series Editor contacts potential Author/Editor with an idea for a book
   c) Springer Publishing Editor receives a proposal from an Author/Editor that would fit in the series, and sends it to Series Editor for evaluation
2) The Series Editor will evaluate/review the book proposal, and provide feedback to the Author/Editor.
3) If the review of the book proposal is positive, the Series Editor will forward the book proposal to the Springer Publishing Editor, recommending that the book should be published within the series.
4) The Springer Publishing Editor will prepare the proposal for an internal review within Springer. This review is approved by the Editorial Director and Executive Vice President. If needed, additional feedback may be provided to the Author/Editor during this review.
5) The book proposal is formally approved by Springer for publication. A Publishing Agreement (contract) is sent to the Author/Editor by the Springer Publishing Editor, letting the Author/Editor know that their book proposal has been accepted for publication in the Series.
6) The Publishing Agreement for the book proposal is signed. The Author/Editor will work on their manuscript. If needed, they can contact the Series Editor for guidance on the book material or the Springer Publishing Editor for guidance on the layout or structure of the manuscript.
7) The manuscript is completed. The Series Editor is notified.
8) The Series Editor sends the manuscript to two anonymous referees (mainly from the Series’ Scientific Committee).
9) If any changes to the manuscript are suggested by the referees, the author will submit a new version of it to the Series Editor for evaluation.
10) The Series Editor provides final approval of the manuscript and authorizes the author to send it to the Springer Publishing Editor.
11) The manuscript is put into production and the book is published.

Series Editor 
Carmine Bianchi – CED4 - Systems Dynamics Group, University of Palermo, Italy 

Scientific Committee 
- Luca Anselmi, University of Pisa, Italy – Professor of Public Administration 
- David Birdsell, Baruch College/CUNY, USA – Dean, School of Public Affairs 
- Elio Borgonovi, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy - Professor of Economics and Management of Public Administration 
- Tony Bovaird, University of Birmingham, UK – Professor of Public Management and Policy 
- Dario Cavenago, Bicocca University, Milan, Italy – Professor of Public Management 
- Lino Cinquini, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy - Professor of Business Administration 
- Paal I. Davidsen, University of Bergen, Norway – Professor of System Dynamics, Chair of the System Dynamics Group 
- John Hallighan, University of Canberra, Australia – Emeritus Professor of Public Administration and Governance 
- David Lane, Henley Business School, UK - Professor of Informatics 
- Manuel London, State, University of New York at Stony Brook, USA - Distinguished Professor of Management 
- Luciano Marchi, University of Pisa, Italy – Professor of Planning & Control Systems 
- Marco Meneguzzo, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano – Switzerland; University Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy – Professor of Public Management 
- Riccardo Mussari, University of Siena, Italy – Professor of Public Management 
- Guy Peters, University of Pittsburgh, USA â€“ Maurice Falk Professor, Department of Political Science 
- Angelo Riccaboni, University of Siena, Italy – Professor of Planning & Control Systems 
- William C. Rivenbark, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA – MPA Program Director, School of Government 
- Etienne Rouwette, Nijmegen School of Management, The Netherlands – Associate Professor of Research Methodology and System Dynamics 
- Salvatore Rotella, Riverside College, California USA - Chancellor Emeritus and Professor of Political Science
- Khalid Saeed, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA – Professor of System Dynamics 
- Markus Schwaninger, University of St Gallen, Switzerland – Professor of Management 
- Carlo Sorci, University of Palermo, Italy – Professor of Business Management 
- Jürgen Strohhecker, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany – Professor for Business Administration, Operations and Cost Management 
- Jarmo Vakkuri, University of Tampere, Finland – Professor of Local Government Accounting & Finance 
- Wouter Van Dooren, University of Antwerp, Belgium – Associate Professor of Public Management 
- David Wheat, University of Bergen, Norway – Professor in System Dynamics
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Carmine Bianchi

Book titles in this series