About this book series

This series publishes monographs and carefully edited books on every aspect covered by the European Scientific Association for Material Forming (ESAFORM). Like its supporting association, this collection acts as a tool for promoting applied research in University and Industry, spreading scientific information, and developing education in all aspects related to material forming in its broadest sense. Therefore, the series is aimed at establishing a platform of communication between engineers and scientists covering: (i) all forming processes, including sheet forming, bulk forming, powder forming, forming in melt or near-melt conditions, machining and cutting technologies, non-traditional processes, rapid prototyping, micro-forming, hydro-forming, thermo-forming, incremental forming, liquid composite molding, etc. (ii) all materials, including metals, ceramics, polymers, fibre reinforced materials, composites, glass, wood, materials in food processing, biomateriais, nano-materials, shape memory alloys etc., and (iii) all kinds of approaches, such as micro-macro modelling, thermo-mechanical modelling, numerical simulation, experimental analysis, inverse identification, and optimization. These volumes cover aspects related to theoretical foundations, experimental research, development of innovative numerical methods, and in general anything that could help in the development of the corps of knowledge in the field. Book proposals at a well-established research level, as well as a more basic, educationally oriented level are welcomed and can be sent to the series editor or the publisher.
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • ElĂ­as Cueto

Book titles in this series