About this book series
The media world is undergoing a fundamental transformation in which companies and users are shaping new digital business models. In this process of change, innovation in processes as well as a solid grasp of market developments, potentials and international standards of comparison are crucial. This book series aims to present new work in the field of media business with a focus on the development and implementation of digital innovation processes and business models, including methodological research, case studies and market analyses. The series welcomes advanced textbooks, monographs and contributed volumes for an academic and professional audience, preferably from an international and interdisciplinary perspective. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, media economics, media management, media convergence, media innovation, media marketing, media production and digital communication processes. All manuscripts in the series are peer-reviewed.
- Electronic ISSN
- 2523-3203
- Print ISSN
- 2523-319X
- Series Editor
- Mike Friedrichsen
Book titles in this series
Value-Oriented Media Management
Decision Making Between Profit and Responsibility
- Editors:
- Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen
- C. Ann Hollifield
- Joost van Loon
- Copyright: 2017
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Digital Transformation in Journalism and News Media
Media Management, Media Convergence and Globalization
- Editors:
- Mike Friedrichsen
- Yahya Kamalipour
- Copyright: 2017
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Innovation Policies in the European News Media Industry
A Comparative Study
- Editors:
- Hans van Kranenburg
- Copyright: 2017
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Media Corporate Entrepreneurship
Theories and Cases
- Authors:
- Min Hang
- Copyright: 2016
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Abstracted and indexed in
- Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series