The Two Lives of Cheng Maolan
From the "French Silk Road to Astronomy" to the Meanders of Mao’s China
Book series
SpringerBriefs in Astronomy are a series of slim high-quality publications encompassing the entire spectrum of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Astrophysical Cosmology, Planetary and Space Science, Astrobiology as well as History of Astronomy. Manuscripts for SpringerBriefs in Astronomy will be evaluated by Springer and by members of the Editorial Board. Proposals and other communication should be sent to your Publishing Editors at Springer.
Featuring compact volumes of 50 to 125 pages (approximately 20,000-45,000 words), Briefs are shorter than a conventional book but longer than a journal article. Thus Briefs serve as timely, concise tools for students, researchers, and professionals.
Briefs allow authors to present their ideas and readers to absorb them with minimal time investment.
Briefs will be published as part of Springer's eBook collection, with millions of readers worldwide. In addition, they will be available, just like other books, for individual print and electronic purchase.
Briefs are characterized by fast, global electronic dissemination, straightforward publishing agreements, easy-to-use manuscript preparation and formatting guidelines, and expedited production schedules. We aim for publication 8-12 weeks after acceptance.
From the "French Silk Road to Astronomy" to the Meanders of Mao’s China
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