- Series Editor
- Amy Neustein
About the Editor
Amy Neustein has served as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Speech Technology since 2008, an ICI indexed journal, with a publication rate of about 90 peer-reviewed articles a year. She is the author/editor of 13 academic books that span various topics from speech and automata in healthcare, advances in speech recognition and natural language processing, text mining of web-based medical content, acoustic modeling of speech disorders, forensic speaker recognition, voice technologies for speech reconstruction and enhancement, acoustic analysis of pathologies from infancy to young adulthood, and, most recently, a study in cross-disciplinary data integration models for COVID-19. She serves as editor of the SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology, co-series editor for the Scopus indexed Signals and Communication Technology, and as editor of the de Gruyter Series in Speech Technology and Text Mining in Medicine and Healthcare. She has authored over 70 papers, chapters, and articles. She is the recipient of the pro Humanitate Literary Award, the ITNG (Information Technology Next Generation) Medical Informatics Award, and a Humanitarian Award from the Los Angeles County Supervisor. She has served as visiting faculty at the National Judicial College since 1985. She received her Ph.D. from Boston University in 1981, with a degree in sociology, and a concentration of studies in conversation analysis and ethnomethodology. She is the Founder of Linguistic Technology Systems, a think tank in Fort Lee, NJ that has developed a novel dataset creator framework for publishing research objects.