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Archives of Women's Mental Health - Call for Papers: Topical Collection on Disability and Women’s Mental Health

One in five individuals have a disability, and disability is more common in women than in men. Women with disabilities are at elevated risk for experiencing a range of social and structural disparities, many of which are risk factors for mental illness, including poverty, unemployment, violence, and discrimination. They also experience significant barriers to accessing health care. Health care providers also report a lack of knowledge and training related to disability.

There is a growing body of literature on disability and women’s health. However, few studies have specifically examined mental health outcomes and care. Data are needed to inform mental health care provider training and service delivery to better meet the needs of women with disabilities.

Co-Guest Editors Hilary Brown and Lesley Tarasoff are leading a call for papers on disability and women’s mental health. We are looking for original research, systematic reviews, and short communications investigating mental health outcomes and mental health care experiences among women with disabilities. We will consider quantitative study designs on populations with physical, vision, hearing, cognitive, and intellectual or developmental disabilities.

We encourage the submission of studies that examine sex/gender differences in mental health in populations with disabilities; studies that examine mental health across the reproductive life course (e.g., related to pregnancy and parenting, the menstrual cycle, and the menopausal transition); studies that examine the intersecting impacts of ableism and other forms of oppression (e.g., racism) on disabled women’s mental health; and studies from all global contexts.

Submission deadline: September 30, 2024
