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Clinical Neuroradiology

Official Journal of the German, Austrian, and Swiss Societies of Neuroradiology

Publishing model:

Aims and scope

Clinical Neuroradiology, published quarterly, provides current information, original contributions, and reviews in the field of neuroradiology.

An interdisciplinary approach is accomplished by diagnostic and therapeutic contributions related to associated subjects.

The international relevance of the journal is underlined by being the official journal of the German, Swiss, and Austrian Societies of Neuroradiology. In order to address and represent all members of these societies, manuscripts should preferentially be submitted and published in English.

Published on behalf of the German Society of Neuroradiology, president: A. Berlis
the Austrian Society of Neuroradiology, president: E. Gizewski
and the Swiss Society of Neuroradiology, president: I. Wanke
