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Plant Systematics and Evolution - Polyploid evolution collection

Brought to you by Plant Systematics and Evolution: this is a 2018/2019 topical collection on polyploid evolution. Anyone you share the following links with will be able to read this content:

Molecular cytogenetic analysis reveals evolutionary relationships between polyploid Aegilops species Pl (this opens in a new tab)
Zinat Abdolmalaki et al.

Why polyploid exceptionalism is not accompanied by reduced extinction rates (this opens in a new tab)
Donald A. Levin

Pollen morphology in natural diploid–polyploid hybridogeneous complex of the genus Onosma (Boraginaceae–Lithospermeae) (this opens in a new tab)
V. Kolarčik et al. 

Polyploid speciation across a suture zone: phylogeography and species delimitation in S French Leucanthemum Mill. representatives (Compositae–Anthemideae) (this opens in a new tab)
Christoph Oberprieler

Inferring the potential of plastid DNA-based identification of derived ferns: a case study on the Asplenium trichomanes aggregate in Europe (this opens in a new tab)
Hong-Mei Lu et al.

Genome sizes and phylogenetic relationships suggest recent divergence of closely related species of the Limonium vulgare complex (Plumbaginaceae) (this opens in a new tab)
Ana S. Róis et al.

Sexual, apomictic and mixed populations in Handroanthus ochraceus (Bignoniaceae) polyploid complex (this opens in a new tab)
Mariana G. Mendes et al.

Brassicales: an update on chromosomal evolution and ancient polyploidy (this opens in a new tab)
Martin A. Lysak

Genome-wide nucleotide diversity and associations with geography, ploidy level and glucosinolate profiles in Aethionema arabicum (Brassicaceae) (this opens in a new tab)
Setareh Mohammadin et al.

Mapping of Hieracium (Asteraceae) chromosomes with genus-specific satDNA elements derived from next-generation sequencing data (this opens in a new tab)
Alexander Belyayev et al.

Evidence for genetic allopolyploidy in Eutrema edwardsii (Brassicaceae): implications for conservation (this opens in a new tab)
Jared Mastin et al.
