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Pediatric Nephrology

Journal of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association

Publishing model:

Journal updates

  • Clinical Insights – new article type –

    The new Clinical Insights article type will replace Clinical Quiz and Brief Report formats. CIs are brief case reports that provide insights into novel presentations of known diseases affecting kidneys and urinary tract, as well as reporting previously unknown diagnoses.

  • What’s New in Dialysis: a topical collection

    This Topical Collection brings together the latest up-to-date research and reviews in pediatric dialysis with the aim of resourcing pediatric nephrologists to better treat and care for our patients.

    Read what's already published in the collection and submit your own research!

  • What’s New in Renal Transplantation: a topical collection

    This Topical collection focusing on pediatric renal transplantation will make it easier for multi-disciplinary teams to get insight into the issues they face, by drawing together up-to-date basic science and clinically relevant reviews in Pediatric Nephrology. Our aim is thereby to improve care and outcomes for our patients and their dedicated families who tirelessly support them.

    Read what's already published in the collection and submit your own research!

  • What’s new in AKI: a topical collection

    What is the optimal treatment for AKI? What are the long-term outcomes for childhood AKI? The ‘What’s New in AKI’ Topical Collection will draw together the most recent developments in this important field.

    Read what's already published in the collection and submit your own research!

  • What’s New in Hypertension: a topical collection

    Cardiovascular disease is common in children with kidney disease, and is a key risk factor for mortality and morbidity. Hypertension is a hallmark of cardiovascular disease, but while in adults it is a main cause of renal disease, in children the opposite is usually true, with kidney problems predominantly giving rise to hypertension....

  • What’s New in Renal Development: a topical collection

    This Topical Collection brings together the latest reviews and articles on kidney development, and how disruption, either in the developmental process or in gestation, may result in impaired renal function. Advances in this field could accelerate the rate of diagnosis for various forms of genetic kidney disease and the development of new treatments, as well as highlighting risk areas for future research. Read what's already published and submit your own research!
