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Anthropocene Coasts
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Anthropocene Coasts - Call for Papers: Special Collection on Mega deltas - seeking solutions to the problem of sustainability


Qing He, East China Normal University, China
Skills and expertise: Estuarine and Coastal Hydrodynamics & Sediment Dynamics (sediment transport and boundary layer processes, sediment flux and fate) (this opens in a new tab)

Xiuzhen Li, East China Normal University, China
Skills and expertise: Landscape Ecology, Wetlands Ecology, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS (this opens in a new tab)

Huib de Vriend, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, China
Skills and expertise: Hydraulics, Hydraulic Modelling, River Engineering, Rivers, Fluid Mechanics, Water Flow Simulation, Coasts, Coastal Engineering, Estuaries, Seabed Dynamics, Sediment Transport (this opens in a new tab)

Michael Glantz, University of Colorado Boulder, United States
Skills and expertise: Water issues in North America, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, Multidisciplinary research on Climate, Water, and Weather-related Environmental and Societal impacts, Watershed Management in Central Asia, Forecasting Climate Change Impacts by Analogy, Climate-related Early Warning Systems, ENSO-related Hydro-Meteorological Impacts and Disaster Risk Reduction (this opens in a new tab) (this opens in a new tab)

Ying Huang, East China Normal University, China
Skills and expertise: Coastal blue carbon, Remote Sensing, Biogeochemistry, Micrometerology, Process-based Modeling and Machine Learning (this opens in a new tab)


Anthropocene Coasts, an open access journal, publishes multidisciplinary research addressing the interaction of human activities with our estuaries and coasts.
•    The Anthropocene is the current epoch in which human activities are having a marked impact on the Earth.
•    Coasts embraces all aspects of the land–sea interface.
•    We aim to identify and document the influence of human activities on contemporary coastal processes (physical, biological, and chemical).
•    Examine the impacts of environmental change, such as climate change, on our coasts and coastal communities.
•    Explore the implications for other aspects of these systems including social, economic, and legal considerations.

Anthropocene Coasts publishes original research articles, reviews (and overviews), topical communications, letters and book reviews. The page charges are covered by East China Normal University. Anthropocene Coasts is presently abstracted and indexed in international authoritative databases including Scopus, and ESCI.

Anthropocene Coasts’ CiteScore 2022 is 4.9 and has entered the CiteScoreTM rank 2022 of Q1 academic journals. Both the 2022 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and the Journal Impact Factor Without Self Citations of Anthropocene Coasts are 2.4. 


River deltas are critical coastal habitats; however, they are facing continuous threats such as increased erosion, flooding risk, and shrinking salt marshes and mangroves. This has become a global problem which requires international cooperation to find solutions. The Mega-Delta Programme was listed as one of the first round of the 65 actions endorsed under the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It aims to provide solutions to the problems faced by different types of deltas in different regions with different levels of social-economic development. All the deltas are faced with challenges caused by climate change and human activities. Thus, combined efforts from different organizations and multi-disciplines are required to fulfil the task. 

For this Special Collection, Anthropocene Coasts invites manuscripts that focus on protection and restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity; community resilience to ocean hazards; and skills, knowledge and technology for all.

Journal Website: (this opens in a new tab)
Submission System: (this opens in a new tab)
Special Collection Manuscript Submission Option: Mega deltas - seeking solutions to the problem of sustainability
Anthropocene Coasts is especially interested in studies that bridge basic theoretical research and management sciences. We encourage submissions from all over the world. The page charges for this Special Collection are covered by East China Normal University.

Oct. 30th 2023: Call for Paper Opens; submit manuscripts for 2x independent review
May. 31st 2024: Manuscript submission deadline

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