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Anthropocene Coasts
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Anthropocene Coasts - Call for Papers

Special Issue: Material transport and eco-environmental dynamics across the river-estuary-coast shelf continuum under changing climate and human activities

Guest Editors: 

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Aijun Wang, Third Institute of Oceanography, China      ( (this opens in a new tab))

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Bong Chui Wei, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  ( (this opens in a new tab))

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SM Sharifuzzaman, University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh  ( (this opens in a new tab))

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Cherdvong Saengsupavanich, Kasetsart University, Chonburi, Thailan  ( (this opens in a new tab))

Focus of This Special Issue

Anthropocene Coasts, an open access journal, publishes multidisciplinary research that aims to understand and predict the effects of human activities, including climate change, on estuarine and coastal regions. The Anthropocene is the period during which human activities have had a marked, and often decisive, environmental impact on the Earth, whilst Coasts embraces all aspects of the land–sea interface. 

For this Special Issue, Anthropocene Coasts invites manuscripts that focus on material transport across the river-estuary-coastal shelf continuum under changing climate and human activities from a range of disciplines (e.g., biology, ecology, geomorphology, hydrology, oceanography, sedimentology, coastal zone management, and multidisciplinary topic).

We invite submissions that include sediment transport and sedimentation, geomorphological evolution, biogeochemical cycles, carbon ‘Source-to-sink’ transform processes across river-estuary-coastal shelf continuum, especially the transformation of above processes under the influence of climate change and human intervention.

We are interested in the processes of materials transport, transformation and burial across the river-estuary-coastal shelf continuum, how climate change and human activities in the river basin interfere with these processes, and what impact these disturbances will have on the sedimentary environment and ecosystem evolution of the estuary and coastal shelf. In addition, we are also interested in how to take land-sea integration management measures to deal with the environmental changes of the river-estuary-coastal -shelf continuum.

Submissions may be theoretical, case study specific, or involve comparative analysis. We are interested in studies are considering the river-estuary-coastal shelf continuum as a whole system, from the theoretical research of material transport process to ecosystem response, and then to management countermeasures.

Better understanding of the transport process and fate of terrigenous materials in the river-estuary-coastal shelf continuum, as well as the impact of climate change and human activities on these processes and their ecological and environmental effects, is of great significance for us to take appropriate measures for land-sea integration management, especially in the current context of "carbon neutrality", appropriate land-sea integration management strategies can improve the carbon sink potential of the river-estuary-coastal shelf continuum.

Anthropocene Coasts is especially interested in studies that bridge basic theoretical research and management sciences. We encourage submissions from all over the world.


  • December 1st 2022: Open call for papers; submit Manuscripts for 2x independent review
  • September 30th 2024: Manuscript submission deadline
