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Urban Informatics
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Urban Informatics - Call for papers: GeoAI for Smart Urban Mobility: Emerging Technologies and Applications

The following special issue in Urban Informatics is open for submissions. The submission deadline is Dec 31, 2024.

Call for papers: GeoAI for Smart Urban Mobility: Emerging Technologies and Applications

Lead guest editors:

Dr. Wei Tu, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University, China; Email:

Dr. Yang Xu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China; Email:

Dr. Chen Zhong, University College London, UK; Email: (this opens in a new tab)

Dr. Xiao Huang, Emory University, USA; Email: (this opens in a new tab) 

Aim & Scope:

Urban transport are continuously evolving towards future green and smart mobility. Recent advancements in big geo-data, sensing technologies, and geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) (i.e., graph deep learning, explainable deep learning, generative AI) are transforming the ways we study and understand human mobility in cities. The increasing availability of massive mobility observations, including, vehicle trajecotries, mobile phone data, social media, street-view images,  short videos and recharging data, has provided new ingredients for developing innovative and GeoAI-empowered models and solutions. The purpose of this special issue is to  discuss, showcase and envision emerging technologies and applications in GeoAI for human mobility in smart cities and future cities. 

Possible topics:

1. Emerging data sources and sensing technologies for urban mobility;
2. Data-driven multi-mode transportation;
3. Machine learning/Deep learning for urban traffic prediction and travel demand forecast;
4. Graph learning for smart mobility;
5. Spatio-temporal AI models for individual and collective human mobility; 
6. GeoAI solutions for autonomous vehicles (AV) and electric vehicles (EV); 
7. Shared and mobility-on-demand systems;
8. Privacy protection and ethics in urban mobility research;
9. Impact and applications of generative AI (e.g., AIGC, ChatGPT) on urban mobility research;
10. Advanced solutions for sustainable urban mobility

Articles will undergo all of the journal's standard peer review and editorial processes outlined in its submission guidelines. (this opens in a new tab)
