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Discover Epidemics
Publishing model:
Open access

Aims and scope

Discover Epidemics is a multidisciplinary journal that aims to be a platform for the rapid dissemination of work related to all aspects of epidemic research. From the original Greek, epi (upon) -demic (the people) seeks to describe impact of a disease on a population. The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the need for concentrated focus on all aspects of epidemics, from etiology, transmission dynamics, and surveillance to prevention, treatment and public health response. The journal will consider work from across the field of epidemics, from traditional infectious diseases (eg HIV, TB, neglected tropical diseases) to COVID-19 and emerging pathogens.  Although the field of epidemics has traditionally focused on infectious diseases, we ascribe to a broader definition incorporating epidemics chronic diseases, inaptly termed of non-communicable diseases (eg cancer, cardiovascular disease) and of etiological factors and behavioral practices (eg obesity, opioid crisis).

Discover Epidemics encourages the submission of articles that look at this broad field of epidemics from a variety of perspectives, including research on fundamental concepts, preparedness, prevention, policy and education, as well as diagnostics and therapeutics.  We particularly welcome papers that contribute to a diverse and global perspective on current and future trends in epidemic research.

Discover Epidemics will serve as an inclusive platform for the dissemination and discussion of research into epidemics to achieve broader health and well-being across the lifespan as well as aid in the response and management of critical health emergencies.

Papers suitable for Discover Epidemics include, but are not limited to:

  • Preventing epidemics from becoming pandemics – novel pathogen identification, early warning systems
  • Epidemiological characteristics of pathogens (eg virulence, incubation period, reproductive number, disease severity)
  • Using epidemic theory and practice to inform and respond to health emergencies
  • Public health control measures - case finding, contact tracing, risk mitigation, intervention implementation
  • Resource management – supply chain considerations, limited resource allocation
  • Communicating about epidemics - avoiding spread of misinformation
  • Economic impact, political and economic decision making, economic recovery
  • Diagnostics
  • Vaccines and therapeutics
  • Emerging diseases
  • Disease surveillance – potential sharing of outbreak data
  • Infectious diseases - includes existing pathogens with potential to become pandemics
  • Disease elimination / eradication – progress / barriers towards targets
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • One health aspects - zoonoses/zoonotic disease
  • Non-communicable disease epidemics/epidemic-like spread (eg diabetes and obesity, opioid crisis)
  • Social determinants of health –  shared etiologic factors for disease transmission
  • Health resources (and lack of)
  • Health policies - intergovernmental collaboration

Content Types
Discover Epidemics welcomes a variety of article types – please see our submission guidelines for details. The journal also seeks and publishes guest-edited Topical Collections of relevance to all aspects of epidemics to allow readers to delve in-depth into important subject areas of high interest. For more information, please follow up with our journal publishing contact.
