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Stress Biology
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Stress Biology - Call for Papers --- Special Issue "Crop disease resistance and breeding"

Crop plants are constantly infected by diverse pathogens including fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes, considerably reducing crop production and thus threatening food security globally. During long evolution, plants have evolved a multi-layered immune system to fight against pathogens, mainly pattern-triggered immunity (PTI) and effector-triggered immunity (ETI) that mount natural disease resistance in plants. Crop disease resistance has long been considered as an important measure to secure stable yield and food production along with high yield potential. Crop breeding for disease resistance usually uses resistance (R) genes that trigger ETI and provide robust resistance. However, high disease resistance may also decrease other agronomic traits of plants, leading to yield penalty due to the growth–defense tradeoff. Therefore, exploiting of more efficient disease resistance genes/alleles and breeding strategies with balancing high disease resistance and yield potential has been a long demand in crop breeding.

This special issue aims to publish state-of-the-art research on gene discovery, molecular mechanisms, defense-growth tradeoffs of plant immunity and pathogen pathogenicity in crops, as well as advanced molecular breeding and genome editing in crop breeding. We welcome submissions of original research papers, reviews and short communications to the special issue. There is no publication fee for all accepted articles. The journal follows the peer review policy (this opens in a new tab) of Stress Biology for all the special issue submissions.

Guest editor: Zuhua He ( (this opens in a new tab)), CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, China

Co-guest editors: Jian-Min Zhou (, (this opens in a new tab) Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, China

Guo-Liang Wang ( (this opens in a new tab)), Ohio State University, USA

Submission deadline: 30 September 2024
