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Stress Biology
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Stress Biology - Call for Papers --- Special Issue "Membrane transports in plants responding to abiotic stress"

The co-ordinated action of transport proteins on cellular membranes is essential to cellular and whole plant function and, ultimately, their adaptive responses to environment. The plasma membrane act as the ultimate gatekeeper for transport between cells, the cell wall, and the external environment while intracellular membranes have key roles in regulating the ionic and metabolic composition of organelles and the cytosol. As membranes also harbor a large number of environmental sensors, they play a critical role in perception and transduction of environmental cues aiming to optimise plant performance under hostile environmental conditions.

This special issue will be dedicated to the roles of membrane transport proteins in plant sensing and adaptive responses to major abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, flooding, oxidative stress, and heavy metal toxicity. The specific priority areas covered by this special issue include:

- Membrane transporters in stress sensing

- Signaling between membranes and organelles

- Intracellular pH and calcium regulation

- Vesicular transport

- Coupling between membranes 

- Membrane transporters in cell fate determination

Original research papers, reviews, and short communications can be submitted to the special issue. All papers should be submitted to the journal through our online journal management system. For pre-submission enquiries please contact the Guest Editors. There is no publication fee for all accepted articles. The journal follows the peer review policy (this opens in a new tab) of Stress Biology for all the special issue submissions.

Guest editor

Dr. Sergey Shabala, University of Western Australia, Australia,

Co-guest editors:

Dr. Tomoaki Horie, Shinshu University, Japan,

Dr. Vadim Demidchik, Belarus State University, Belarus, (this opens in a new tab)

Submission Deadline: 1 May 2024
