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Carbon Neutrality is a multi-disciplinary open access journal in the areas of low carbon science, technology, and policy. The APCs are fully covered by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The mission of Carbon Neutrality is to communicate the most cutting-edge technologies in carbon neutrality to the research community, policy decision-makers, and other types of stakeholders. The journal covers a broad range of low-carbon research including renewable energy and energy storage; smart energy systems; decarbonization of traditional energy; carbon capture, utilization and storage; carbon sink and carbon sequestration; strategies to tackling climate change; environment and energy policies; carbon finance and carbon management, etc. The journal aims to publish advanced and up-to-date original research and review papers with highest quality in the low carbon field, to promote information and knowledge exchange on the frontier scientific research, and to contribute to the sustainable development of the world.

The print version of this journal is not for sale by Springer Nature.
  • Changying Zhao
168,987 (2023)

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  11. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  12. Portico
  13. ProQuest
  14. SCOPUS
  15. TD Net Discovery Service
  16. Wanfang
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