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Discover Water
Publishing model:
Open access

Aims and scope

Discover Water is part of the Discover journal series committed to providing a streamlined submission process, rapid review and publication, and a high level of author service at every stage. It is an open access, community-focussed journal publishing research from across all fields relevant to water research.

Discover Water is a broad, open access journal publishing research from across all fields relevant to the science and technology of water research and management. Discover Water covers not only research on water as a resource, for example for drinking, agriculture and sanitation, but also the impact of society on water, such as the effect of human activities on water availability and pollution. As such it looks at the overall role of water at a global level, including physical, chemical, biological, and ecological processes, and social, policy, and public health implications. It is also intended that articles published in Discover Water may help to support and accelerate United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6: 'Clean water and sanitation'.


Discover Water covers topics including (but not limited to) agricultural and aquacultural use of water, desalination, drinking water and wastewater treatment, water quality monitoring and assessment, sanitation, water distribution, supply and infrastructure, hydrology and hydrogeology, inland, tidal, coastal and urban waters, mineral and thermal waters, limnology of lakes and rivers, flood risk impact and management, groundwater contamination and remediation, risk assessment, industrial and mining uses and impacts, recreation and power generation, water governance and security, water–energy–food connections, relationship of water resources to climate change, water scarcity and drought management, and all other aspects of water resources management, as well as the broader socio-economic aspects of water such as education, funding, policy, intellectual property and law and the impact on society. Discover Water welcomes all observational, experimental, theoretical, analytical, mathematical modelling and data-driven approaches that advance the study of all aspects of water research.

Content Types

Discover Water welcomes a variety of article types – please see our submission guidelines for details. The journal also publishes guest-edited Topical Collections of relevance to all aspects of water research to allow readers to quickly identify research on subject areas of especial interest to them. For more information, please follow up with our journal publishing contact.

In addition to specific themed Collections reflecting the latest developments in water research, the Journal focuses on three types of contributions: forward looking and/or speculative pieces that may be opinionated but should remain balanced and are intended to stimulate discussion and explore new approaches, rapid publication of early research results, and case studies/examples of novel research.
