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Computational Urban Science - Call for papers: Urban Safety and Resilient Society

The following special issue in Computational Urban Science is open for submissions. The submission deadline is Nov 30, 2021.

Call for papers: Urban Safety and Resilient Society

Guest Editors:

Dr. Feng Zhang, Zhejiang University, China, (this opens in a new tab)

Dr. Shuming Bao, China Data Institute, China, (this opens in a new tab)

Dr. Fan Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, (this opens in a new tab)

Aims and Scope:

With the increased population, continuously propelling of urbanization and climate change, cities are facing unprecedented challenges regarding various safety, security, and health issues. In the past year 2020, people are living in a particularly uncertain world. The wildfires, earthquakes, floods alongside the COVID-19 pandemic have been tremendously influencing human society and settlement. These devastating disasters urge us to re-think the underlying human-environment interactions. Meanwhile, the increasing penetration of digital technologies is changing the way we perceive cities. AI and data-driven approaches are opening up possibilities to have a deeper understanding of the processes and consequences of urban disasters, to further inform our policy and practice in building resilient societies.

In view of these challenges and opportunities, and responding to one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable, this Special Edition of the journal Computational Urban Science invites original papers on topics related to the theories, methods, solutions, and empirical studies of urban safety in public health, disaster, public security, crime, etc.

Submitted manuscripts could cover but not limited to the following themes:

Dataset and computational tools for the topics below

Data-driven approaches and empirical works in disease, epidemic, and pandemic research

Risk and vulnerability assessment of urban systems with urban big data

Prevention and early warning systems for urban disaster

Urban disaster reduction and emergency management

Road traffic safety and transit-oriented development

Human behavior and safety perception analysis

Quantitative methods for built-environment measurement

Security assessment for critical public infrastructure

Urban crime mapping and analysis

Urban resilience and sustainable development practices

Interested? Please submit your article here: (this opens in a new tab)

When submitting your article, please select the designated Thematic Series in the "additional information Questionnaire" (the fourth step). 

Articles will undergo all of the journal's standard peer review and editorial processes outlined in its submission guidelines. (this opens in a new tab)
