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AI and Ethics - Topical Collections - Call for Papers

We welcome submissions for the upcoming topical collections of AI and Ethics

Topical Collection on the AI Governance Forum 2022: The EU AI Act – Towards a Global Consensus on Responsible AI? (this opens in a new tab)
Guest editors:
 Eva Thelisson, Marion Ho-Dac, Kirtan Padh, Himanshu Verma
Deadline for submissions: 31st August 2023

Topical Collection on Ethical Frameworks for Understanding Social Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Children and Youth (this opens in a new tab)
Guest editors: Rebekah Tweed, Rose Guingrich, Rachel Metzgar
Deadline for submissions:  8th September 2023

Topical Collection on AI Ethics in the Generative AI Era (this opens in a new tab)
Guest editors:
 David Leslie, Mhairi Aitken, Atoosa Kasirzadeh, Peter Smith, Rebecca Johnson, Harish Arunachalam
Deadline for submissions: 6th October 2023

Topical Collection on Trustworthy Adaptive and Learning Agents (this opens in a new tab)
Guest editors: Patrick Mannion, Fernando P. Santos, Diederik M. Roijers
Open for submissions

Topical Collection on AI and Ethical, Inclusive and Participatory Design (this opens in a new tab)
Guest editors: Peter Smith, Shauna Concannon, Penny Duquenoy, Stephen Newton, Simon Rogerson, Laura Smith, David Leslie
Open for submissions

Topical Collection on Exploring the Mutations of Society in the Era of Generative AI (this opens in a new tab)
Guest editors:
 Brent Mittelstadt, Hubert Etienne, Rob Reich, John Basl, Jeff Behrends, Dominique Lestel, Chloé Bakalar, Geoff Keeling, Giada Pistilli, Marta Cantero Gamito
Deadline for submissions: 1st July 2024
