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Evolutionary, Comparative and Functional Morphology

Publishing model:

Zoomorphology - Zoomorphology Editorial Excellence 2022

New Content ItemThroughout the year of 2022 Springer Nature invite journal authors to provide feedback on their publishing experience. The top percentile of journals was determined by taking the mean of authors ratings of two statements from a 5 point scale: strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neutral (3), agree (4), strongly agree (5).

  1. "The editorial advice and comments throughout the process helped to improve the paper" 
  2.  "The editors managed the peer review process well"

We thank the Editor-in-Chief Alexandra Kerbl, who contributed to these achievements, as well as all of our valued journal editors and board members, for their continued dedication to advancing research. The work, commitment, and passion brought to Springer Nature journals each day are greatly appreciated.

What is the journal Author Satisfaction Survey? The survey covers 2,400+ Springer Nature journals and has generated over 90,000 responses from authors in the last two years.
