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Review of Evolutionary Political Economy - Guidelines for Guest Editors of Special Issues or Symposia

REPE invites potential Guest Editors to submit proposals for Special Issues or Symposia consistent with the Aims & Scope of this journal. Those interested are invited to contact the Editor-in-Chief or one of the Co-Editors anytime. To simplify the process we have put together the following instructions.

One of the key features of REPE is that it serves as a bridge between and vehicle for debates across different streams in political economy and heterodox economics. We expect guest editors to make an effort to appeal to a variety of constituencies and to include a variety of views within political economy and heterodox economics.

A proposal, therefore, will contain:

(1) A draft of a Call for Papers (CfP), which will usually include

  • a title and the names of the special issue editors
  • a few paragraphs that set out the debate to which the special issue is contributing and gives a brief outline of the state of the debate and the ongoing debates
  • a list of specific questions that prospective authors might want to address
  • 5-10 core references that will give potential authors signposts for important literature and helps to provide a common ground for the authors
  • a statement that all submissions will go through the standard, rigorous refereeing process of the journal.

A CfP will usually be 2-3 pages.

(2) The names (and email contacts) of the guest editors. We expect a team of two to three guest editors, who ideally are from different institutions.

(3) A list of potential authors and their respective topics to be invited (this will usually be at least eight names).

(4) A list of potential reviewers to be contacted.

(5) A tentative timeline (including circulating the CfP; a deadline for original submissions; a deadline for revised submissions). The actual timeline will have to be agreed with the Editorial Team.

We will assign to you a REPE “mirror” co-editor to work with you.

You may also wish to contact the relevant EAEPE research area coordinator for getting feedback and to ask them to disseminate the CfP in their network.

The REPE editorial team
Wolfram Elsner: (this opens in a new tab)
Eve Chiapello: (this opens in a new tab)
Silvano Cincotti: (this opens in a new tab) 
Nathalie Lazaric: (this opens in a new tab)
Engelbert Stockhammer: (this opens in a new tab).
