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Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis - Best paper award

The Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis presents the best paper award yearly. The award in the year n is given to the best paper published in the years n-1 and n-2. The referee committee consists of selected editors of the journal.


Best Paper Award 2024

Gelu Popescu

"Classification of doubly ${{\Cal {U}}}$-commuting row isometries (this opens in a new tab)

Banach J. Math. Anal. 17 (2023), no. 4, 83.New Content Item

Selected among 156 papers published in 2022 and 2023. Award selection committee: Professors Angela Anna Albanese, Esteban Andruchow, José Bonet Solves, Raul E. Curto, Tom ter Elst, Michael Frank, Deguang Han, Fuad Kittaneh, Manuel Maestre, Thomas Schlumprecht, Juan Benigno Seoane-Sepúlveda, Dirk Werner, Ti-Jun Xiao, and M. S. Moslehian (Editor-in-chief).

Past winners 


Andreas Defant and Ingo Schoolmann

Holomorphic functions of finite order generated by Dirichlet series (this opens in a new tab)


A. C. Hernandez-Soto and S. Garcia-Ferreira

Ramsey property and block oscillation stability on normalized sequences in Banach spaces (this opens in a new tab)


M. Cristina Câmara, Kamila Kliś-Garlicka,  Bartosz Łanucha, and Marek Ptak

Invertibility, Fredholmness and kernels of dual truncated Toeplitz operators (this opens in a new tab)
