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Aims and scope

Brain Structure and Function welcomes original research leading to significant advances in understanding brain structure-function relationships. The relationship between structure and function can be explored at different levels from individual cells to networks and using various models from animal to human.

Cellular and Systems Neuroscience studies remain at the core of Brain Structure and Function, with a continued focus on high quality research into the mammalian central nervous system, although coverage may range beyond this taxon. Manuscripts with focus on the peripheral nervous system are not accepted for publication.


Brain Structure and Function also welcomes high-quality Neuroimaging studies with a clear anatomical focus and anatomical hypotheses. Typical submissions in Brain Structure and Function can employ a combination of methods including genetics, post-mortem staining, high-throughput electron microscopy, in vitro / in vivo electrophysiology, electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography and neuroimaging (structural and/or functional) to investigate neuronal and glial structure, connectivity, and physiology.


Functional investigations may include behavioural experiments and cognitive studies, provided they have a firm grounding in neuroanatomy. Emphasis is on normal brain function, although disease models contributing to the understanding of normal brain structure-function relationships will also be considered.


Studies involving purely clinical or neuropathological analyses, without demonstrating the translational value to the healthy brain, are out of scope for this journal. Publications in Brain Structure and Function will remain strongly grounded in anatomy while progressively bridging existing gaps between neurobiology, neuroimaging and function.
