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Affective Science - Peer-Review Policy

 All submissions are peer-reviewed. The default submission will be single-blind review where authors’ names on provided on the title page, but reviewers are anonymous. If the author wishes, they can request a blind peer-review process. The editors in chief, supported by the associate editors, perform a first check of the article to ensure that it reaches a threshold of quality and appropriateness to the journal to be sent for peer-review. Reviewers will receive instructions to comply with the journal ethical and editorial norms, and to keep the following goals in mind:

  •  The journal seeks to advance basic and applied research in the variety of fields that study affect broadly defined.
  • The journal seeks to show respect for the full diversity of methods and theoretical assumptions present in the field of affective science.
  • The journal seeks to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and collegiality, and to provide constructive feedback wherever possible.

Presubmission consultation with the EIC is recommended for Methods Papers, Reviews, and Commentary/Opinions.
