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This journal advances the knowledge and practice of community well-being as an interdisciplinary broad conception of human and societal well-being in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. The focus is predominately on communities of place and interest within geographic or societal spaces concerning social, economic, cultural/social, environmental or political conditions and impacts on societal and social well-being. It provides an outlet for excellent scholarship from a multitude of disciplines - including but not limited to community development, geography, urban and regional planning, economic development, public administration, regional studies, sociology, community learning and education, psychology and health – concerned with community well-being that promotes understanding of its multidimensional aspects. The journal publishes research that combines community well-being addressing issues facing our towns, cities and regions. It explores the collective aspects of communities and regions and how individual well-being is related to the context of societal well-being.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a new set of global development goals in 2015, with 193 member countries using the 17 objectives to inform development agendas until 2030. Our journal supports these efforts and is directly related to the following SDG objectives:

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Goal 8:  Decent Work and Economic Growth

The journal’s aim and scope also support the other SDG goals, as the domains addressed have bearing on community well-being ranging from environmental aspects to reducing poverty and gender equality and educating youth. We encourage submissions that connect the SDGs to community well-being at the local and regional levels. 

  • Rhonda Phillips,
  • Young-Chool Choi
Submission to first decision (median)
30 days
138,073 (2023)

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Journal updates

  • Call for Special Issues

    The International Journal of Community Well-Being invites proposals for special thematic issues. Special issues are presented by guest editor(s) who assume responsibility for inviting article contributions on a particular theme and for ensuring the unique contribution of the special issue compilation. Special issues can be a valuable means of advancing multiple and sometimes comparative, complementary, or even contrasting perspectives and empirical results on a question, topic or theme. They also afford an opportunity for a guest editor introductory essay that can offer new insight and synthesis across assembled contributions. Special issues will be featured prominently and identified as discrete components within the journal.....

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  1. ANVUR
  2. Baidu
  4. CNKI
  6. Dimensions
  7. EBSCO
  8. Google Scholar
  9. Naver
  10. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  11. Portico
  12. ProQuest
  13. SCOPUS
  14. TD Net Discovery Service
  15. Wanfang
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