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Journal of Plant Pathology - SPECIAL ISSUE: Blast from the past: an historical perspective on plant diseases through the molecular and the data analytics looking glass

Call for Papers 

Blast from the past: an historical perspective on plant diseases through the molecular and the data analytics looking glass

The study of plant disease agents discovered in the past may have been originally hindered by the lack of modern analytical approaches and/or by confusing taxonomies. Such agents may have initiated diseases that are still relevant, may have caused diseases that were significant at first but waned later, or may have only caused marginal plant diseases of little economic importance. No matter the impact, we believe that any historical information gained about plant diseases and disease agents from the past is valuable to the scientific community. Data provided on neglected plant pathogens and associated diseases of the past, or historical data on well-known pathogens and associated plant diseases are welcome in this special issue of the Journal of Plant Pathology. Contributions may include, but are not limited to: genomic or DNA-barcoding sequences of infectious agents from collections and herbaria; pathogen and/or microbial identification from preserved specimens or collections using molecular assays; morphological descriptions of microbial isolates or of macro fungi from depositories; correct identifications of disease agents based on novel information and technology; diagnostic data from novel or historical disease outbreaks from botanical gardens and germplasm collections; identification (from old culture collections or herbarium samples) of agents still included in Quarantine lists by various countries, but for which no agent has ever previously been identified – the so-called ‘phantom diseases’ with no (known) reference material; species-level identification of infectious agents in planta or of isolates of organisms once belonging to broad species complexes; correct identification of infectious agents vectored by insects from insect collections or directly from insects or plants in  historical outbreaks of insect-borne plant diseases. Contributions can be in the form of short communications or of full length research articles as per the guidelines of the JPP, available on the Journal’s website.

Deadline for submission: December 31st 2022

Papers accepted will be dated based on actual submission and online publishing dates

Guest Editors:
Jean Ristaino      (this opens in a new tab)  
John Hammond  (this opens in a new tab)
Jaap Janse           (this opens in a new tab)

General inquiries:
Matteo Garbelotto (this opens in a new tab)
Editor in Chief
Journal of Plant Pathology

